PRONOUN PATROL: Mayorkas, DHS Warn Border Agents Not to Misgender Migrants; Report

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The Biden border continues to be a disaster…


“We just obtained [Customs and Border Patrol agency] documents directing personnel to only use woke language when encountering individuals invading the United States,” a tweet from the Oversight Project at the Heritage Foundation reads.

The instructions say:

If a longer dialogue [with a migrant] is occurring, it may be appropriate to ask the individual their preferred pronoun.

For example, state “I would like to be respectful — what name and pronoun would you like me to use when addressing you”?

Avoid asking ‘What is your sex?” unless operationally necessary.


Use “he, him, she, her” pronouns until you have more information about, or provided by, the individual.

From Breitbart News:

The order from border chief Alejandro Mayorkas directs border guards to ignore the biological distinction between the two complementary sexes. Instead, officers must submit to the political claim that each person’s “gender” is more important than their biological sex and so must allow people to sneak across the male/female border under the disguise of “transgender” pronouns.

Read the memo below:

More over at Breitbart News:



  1. Why hasn’t this white male spoken out about the fact that these Free Palestine protesters don’t allow the gay pride flag to be flown at their riots???

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