Public Schools Have Failed To Provide Education. Yeshivos Have Closed Down Due To Covid. Now Someone Is Ready To Help!

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Dozens of Yeshivos and day schools across the United States have closed down due to Coronavirus, resulting in hundreds of children, previously in yeshiva, now seeking alternatives or languishing on the streets.

To quote numerous parents calling the offices of Nechomas Yisroel, “At this point, public schools are not really providing an education; they are just supplying healthy meals.” Hundreds upon hundreds of parents and students are seeking to escape this system.

Nechomas Yisroel, the organization founded by Rav Avrohom Pam zt’l 25 years ago, with the mission of transferring Jewish children from public school to yeshiva by assisting with their tuition, is stepping up to meet this new challenge. 

Nechomas Yisroel B”H assisted paying tuition throughout the past 25 years for over “25,000” public school students. 

At the direction of its Nasi, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlita, they have undertaken to provide each child whose school has closed with a Torah education.

Anyone aware of a child anywhere in United States, whose school or yeshiva closed down — or who is not in yeshiva for any reason and seeks a Jewish education — should contact Nechomas Yisroel immediately. Their staff of professionals will be in touch to assist each family and do their best to try and find an appropriate school or yeshiva and a sponsor for the child’s tuition. 

Please send details by email to [email protected]

Waiting to hear from you,

With respect,

Nechomas Yisroel 

[If you would like to take part in this big mitzvah of saving Jewish Children form public school please contact us.]

Nechomas Yisroel • 1338-41 Street Brooklyn, NY 11218 • [email protected]


  1. There are also thousands of children in Israel held captive by corrupt school principals who blatantly disregard the Covid safety guidelines. They attempt time and time again to open Talmudey Torah in defiance of the law, they instruct their elementary school students to sneak in through back doors and fences and hide or protest the police.

    Instead of arranging effective long distance schooling, all resources are being used to fight and hide from the police and the law.

    This is a tremendous Chilul Hashem as well as an educational and spiritual disaster of major proportion, there is a real need for someone to stand up and provide kosher Covid safe schooling for the Charedi children in Israel.


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