Purim Shtick? New Gemach Offers Plastic Straws For Bochurim To Take On Dates

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  1. This is a real gemach.
    I was recently dating a bachur (in NY), we bought our requisite drinks, sat down and he pulls out 2 straws from his pocket with a shy smile. Definitely a nice conversation starter! talk about the environment, or the various gemachs in BMG!
    Kol hakavod to whoever is running this!

    • It’s like the joke of the business deal.
      A frum yid and a frei yid are meeting in the desolation of the diaspora to close a business deal. They meet in a nonkosher establishment, as there is no kosher option available. .
      The frei Yid orders a bottled Coke. The frum Yid says he will have the same, and a clean glass please.
      The waiter comes with two bottles of Coke and two glasses, and asks: who is the clean glass for?

      Purim Sameach

  2. What about plastic bags as shops have begun charging for them? Or shopping baskets like they used to have in Israel?

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