Rabbi David Stav: ‘Free The Yeshiva Students From The Politicians’

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Rabbi David Stav, the Chief Rabbi of Shoham and the chairman of the Tzohar Rabbinical organization, is proposing a fresh approach to engage the chareidi community in IDF service.

“Every Jewish resident of the state of Israel has to serve in the army, no exceptions,” Rabbi Stav said in an interview with Arutz Sheva. “It’s a commandment from God. The Rambam explicitly writes that it applies even to newlyweds, and the novi Devorah curses those who shirk their duty (Shoftim 5:15, 5:23).”

Addressing the practical challenges, he stated, “Forcing a million people into the IDF is impractical. Past proposals were never implemented, and the IDF misrepresented numbers because coercion into military service is unfeasible. Currently, the State exempts them from military duty, instead promoting workforce participation. We must refrain from branding them as draft dodgers and illegal laborers.”

“We propose amending the law to enable religious individuals to seek exemption from military service if it conflicts with their lifestyle,” Rabbi Stav suggested. “This would reduce reliance on the yeshiva community and permit the government to incentivize service in alternative organizations like the Fire and Rescue Service, MDA, and ZAKA. Subsequently, national service vouchers could facilitate better education and workforce integration.”

“This initiative will initiate a transition where non-students enlist in the army, non-army personnel engage in national service, and those who avoid national service pursue education and contribute to the Israeli economy. It’s a gradual process,” he added.

Rabbi Stav underscored that the fundamental change would occur within charedi community dynamics: “They’ll no longer be beholden to politicians. The days of manipulating draft quotas and misrepresenting one’s charedi status will end. We’re not prohibiting Torah study; we’re simply diversifying its sources. Community leaders may resist, fearing a loss of control.”

Despite concerns, Rabbi Stav believes the national mood post-war will discourage divisiveness: “The current national spirit is resilient. Any attempt to sow division or blame during these times will be met with public rebuke and protest.”

However, he called for a broader overhaul of Israel’s political landscape: “We must cease boycotting prime ministerial candidates, refraining from labeling opponents as fascists or traitors. Post-war, immediate elections should be held to allow the people to choose new leadership, irrespective of political leanings. We should transcend partisan politics and form a government representing all segments of Israeli society.”

Rabbi Stav expressed unwavering confidence in public morale regardless of circumstances: “The resilience of our people is remarkable. Witness the streets of Israel, observe soldiers bidding farewell to their families for reserve duty—our strength is evident.”

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. There will never be a solution to the giyus question so long as the secular hope recruiting chareidim will make them go OTD and the Dati Leumi hope the Chareidim will become mizruchnikis.

  2. Sorry Rabbi Stav, the Rambam is not talking about the secular G-dless army where religious Jew should chas veshalom not serve.

  3. Why would any Jew join the IDF army when the Prime Minister of Israel is an Arab? How can anyone trust this army? Look how many Jewish soldiers have already been killed.

  4. ““Every Jewish resident of the state of Israel has to serve in the army, no exceptions,” Rabbi Stav said in an interview with Arutz Sheva. “It’s a commandment from God. The Rambam explicitly writes that it applies even to newlyweds, and the novi Devorah curses those who shirk their duty (Shoftim 5:15, 5:23).””

    As Rav Elchonon and others wrote, “Zionism is idolatry; ‘Religious Zionism’ is simply idolatry and religion together”. The Zionist pseudo-State (anti-Jewish, not Jewish) has zero to do with the Jewish kingdoms of prophetic times.

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