Rasmussen Poll: Trump Leading DeSantis by 13 Points

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Former President Donald Trump has a 13-point lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a hypothetical 2024 GOP primary, a new Rasmussen Reports poll finds, Newsmax reports.

In the survey released Friday, the former president leads DeSantis with 45% of likely Republican voters supporting Trump to 32% supporting the governor. Another 14% said they would support a different candidate.

That lead drops to just 4 points, however, when the poll extends to all likely voters, with Trump leading 30% to 26%. A plurality of those surveyed, 36%, said they would vote for a different candidate altogether.



  1. Sure Donald is popular. The View gives him a frame of mind.

    This visits no hand in an election when one guy is not yet running.

    Donald fears cold gigs. His is very small.

  2. Remember when they said that Hillary is leading Trump when Trump was already ahead to 65 points? Hillary ended up with 11 points and she lost the popular votes too which the media refuses to admit.


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