Rav Bergman: “We Thought That Moshiach Would Come in Rav Chaim’s Lifetime”

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An atzeres hesped l’illui nishmas Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l was held at Yeshivas Rashbi in Bnei Brak. The rosh yeshiva, Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, was a friend of Rav Chaim and a fellow talmid at the Lomza Yeshiva in Petach Tikva.

The Rosh Yeshiva opened his remarks by saying, “Naflah ateres rosheinu. Our crown has fallen.”

He added: “We thought that Moshiach would come before Rav Chaim would leave this world.”

He later said, “Who is not afraid of the death of the righteous? What will happen to us? Who will protect us? Who will protect the world? Who will protect Eretz Yisroel? Who will protect Bnei Brak?”

It is known in the name of the Arizal, he said, “that at the time of a petirah, one can gain the virtues of the niftar.”

{Matzav.com Israel}



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