Rav Boruch Saks zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rav Boruch Saks zt”l.

Rav Saks was a maggid shiur at Yeshiva of Staten Island for over fifty years and the rov of the Agudah Zeirei minyan in Boro Park for many years. He also served as the rov at Camp Magen Avrohom.

After living in Brooklyn for decades, Rav Saks moved some years ago to Lakewood, settling in the Pine River Village neighborhood, where he was ultimately appointed as the rov of the Pine River Village Sefard minyan.

Rav Saks sustained the passing of his wife some years ago. He later got remarried and leaves behind his second rebbetzin, Mrs. Hindy (Summers) Saks.

Rav Saks is survived by a wonderful family of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. His children are Mrs. Tzipora Sheinkof, Mrs. Nechama Tepfer, Mrs. Gitty Shapiro, Mrs. Tamar Blumenthal, Mrs. Chaya Gonter, R’ Elazar Saks, R’ Dovid Saks, and R’ Yisroel Saks.

The levayh will take place at the Pine River Village Shul, located at 38 Goldcrest Drive, at noon. The levayah will continue at Yeshiva of Staten Island at about 2:45 p.m. The kevurah will take place in Eretz Yisroel. The aron will be flown via United Airlines at Newark Airport, Cargo Area, at 7 p.m.

Yehi zichro boruch.



    • Rav Baruch was a close Talmud of hagoan Rav Mendel Kravitz zt”l, at RJJ and kept a close shaychus to his great Rebbi.His loss is a loose to klal Yisroel.
      A American Bochur who grew to be a tremendous Talmud chocham with sterling middos .YEHAY ZICRO BARUCH

  1. Baruch Dayan haEmmes.

    He was a wonderful person – very soft-spoken and very much loved. He lost his first wife when his children were still young and life then, for him and them, was especially challenging. His sister in-law Mrs. Shoshana Lefkowitz a”h and her husband Reb Yisroel a”h literally took him and his children in as though they were their own. In fact the Lefkowitz children became like siblings. The Saks children have remained eternally grateful to the Lefkowitzes for that. The Lefkowitz children have even used the name of that aunt to name their children and grandchildren. May he be a mailitz yosher for all of klal Yisrael.

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