Rav Chaim Boruch Wolpin zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rav Chaim Boruch Wolpin zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Karlin Stolin in Boro Park, Brooklyn.

Rav Chaim Boruch was born eighty-eight years ago in Seattle, Washington, to Reb Efraim Bentzion and Kaila Wolpin, who had immigrated from Russia. After studying each day at the local public school, he and his brothers learned for a few hours each day with Rav Boruch Shapiro, a talmid of the Ohr Somayach and the Rogochover Gaon who was serving as a rov in Seattle.

As a bochur, Rav Chaim Boruch learned at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Brooklyn, NY, and Bais Medrash Elyon in Monsey, NY, becoming a talmid of Rav Rav Reuven Grozovsky zt”l and Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz zt”l.

When Rav Chaim Boruch got married, there were less than 20 kollel yungeleit in the entire United States. Torah learning and learning in kollel after marriage were concepts that were ridiculed by many and certainly not understood, even by most G-d-fearing, observant Jews. There was a pioneering spirit in those days. The young bnei Torah understood that they were engaged in something so important that they were willing to sacrifice virtually everything.

Rav Wolpin grew into an outstanding talmid chochom, teaching and being marbitz Torah for decades. He was ultimately tapped to serve as rosh yeshiva at Stolin in Boro Park, where he imbued generations of talmidim with love of Torah.

Rav Wolpin leaves behind a rich legacy, with ideals to be emulated and replicated by one and all.

Rav Wolpin is survived by his family of bnei and bnos Torah following in his ways.

The levayah will take place tomorrow, at 10 a.m., at Yeshivas Karlin Stolin, located at 1818 54th Street in Brooklyn.

Yehi zichro boruch.

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  1. Rav Chaim Boruch ZT”L told over the following: He was thinking of attending college at night after high school. Rav Shraga Feivel ZT”L got wind of this, called him into his office and simply stated; “You are not going to college, you are destined to be a talmud chochom atzum and a Rosh Yeshiva.” Not one word in response to RSFM. The rest is history!

    • important to publicize such stories, to show youngsters the nisyonos, such future gedoilm had to overcome when they were youngsters etc.

  2. rav chaim baruch ztz was besides for his greatness in torahhe was a huge anav
    i was a waiter in stoliner camp and he was very mekarev me i made a siyum in stoliner camp and i invited him he came and danced in front of me holding a chair as if he was my friend put his arm around me at times
    what a anav
    he will be missed

  3. rav chaim baruch ztz was besides for his greatness in torahhe was a huge anav
    i was a waiter in stoliner camp and he was very mekarev me i made a siyum in stoliner camp and i invited him he came and danced in front of me holding a chair as if he was my friend put his arm around me at times
    what a anav
    he will be missed


    One of the brothers of Rav Chaim Boruch Wolpin, ZT’L, was Rav Nissan Wolpin, ZT’L, who had his own realm of remarkable Harbatzas Torah in that, for very many years, he was the editor of the Torah magazine,”The Jewish Observer.” After the magazine stopped publication in 2009, Rav Nissan moved to Eretz Yisroel and from then until his Petira a few years later, he learned full time in Kollel.

  5. He was always quick with a good quip. I was standing next to him when he passed a sign announcing his son in law, Rav Zev Smith Shlit”a first Sunday halacha shiur. He said, “Ah chosen Moshe.”

  6. In the mid 1960s, he used to lend out his 1956 beat up Plymouth to the Bais Medrash Elyon newlyweds…I remember the car, it had push buttons for Drive and Park. He said it is a chiyuv to help your wives on Fridays and evenings with the shopping. Some insisted on paying him….If I remember correctly, for those that insisted, it was $.05/mile. He was the ultimate human being, a gaon in shas, my math teacher, a genius in Algebra and Geometry, a tremendous baal kishron, he understood the needs of every bochur as an individual. Yehi Zichro Boruch.

  7. Correction: It was people around him and various family members she pressured him strongly to go to college. He himself never entertained the thought.
    Gut Shabbos

  8. Correction: It was people around him and various family members who pressured him strongly to go to college. He himself never entertained the thought.
    Gut Shabbos

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