Rav Chaim Kanievsky: Those in Quarantine May Not Daven With a Minyan Now; You May Report Violators to Authorities

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This morning, a new set of p’sakim from Rav Chaim Kanievsky were released, stating unequivocally that in light of the continued spread of COVID-19, people under quarantine may not daven with a minyan.

Calling it a circumstance of pikuach nefesh, Rav Chaim adds that those who do not adhere to the guidelines put forth by rabbonim and doctors have the din of a rodef, placing other people’s lives at risk, and that any shul not following the directives of the health department and officials may be reported to authorities.

Rav Chaim adds that one may yell at those who aren’t listening, even if this may cause them embarrassment.

And in general, said Rav Chaim, the response to this crisis should be tefillah. Everyone should engage in heartfelt prayer for the Ribono Shel Olam to end this plague.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. The Israeli government still allows minyonim up to 10 people outdoors,It just says that people must listen to the doctors. Please clarify.

  2. This letter does NOT say that it is assur to daven with a minyan for everyone. It says specifically someone who is required to be in quarantine may not violate the quarantine rules to leave his house as daven with a minyan. (Similarly, it does not say that a person should pick up a phone to find out if he is positive for COVID-19. It says if there is a case of pikuach nefesh one should pick up. He does not discuss what constitutes pikuach nefesh.)

  3. Please find a person who knows how to translate.
    The translation is INCORRECT.
    Clearly, stay home…and don`t quote this translation.

    • Here are the questions:

      1. A person who according to the doctor’s instructions must go into isolation so as not to infect others if he is ill, yet he himself feels good and does not feel any sickness, may he leave his home or must he listen to the doctors despite feeling good?

      Rav Chaim: Listen to the doctors.

      2. A person claims that he has emunah in Hashem and he will not to be ill, and he therefore ignores medical guidelines (social distancing and leaving home unnecessarily and so on), can he be defined as a rodef who might put other people at risk?

      Rav Chaim: He is considered a rodef.

      3. If, chas veshalom, a person defies the instructions and causes someone to die, is this considered accidental or purpose?

      Rav Chaim: Close to meizid (on purpose).

      4. If one knows of someone who must be in isolation yet he comes out and endangers people, can he be lambasted with vocal and harsh words, though he may be shamed?

      Rav Chaim: It is allowed.

      5. Is it allowed to give the name of a person who ignores doctors’ instructions and endangers others to the authorities? And is it permissible to provide information on shuls and yeshivos that do not obey the regulations, even if it results in a fine or even prison time?

      Rav Chaim: It is allowed.

      6. Should a phone be left on over Shabbos in case the doctors need to reach someone and may one answer the phone due to fear of pikuach nefesh?

      Rav Chaim: It is allowed.

      7. What should the public take on themselves to stop this terrible epidemic that has already claimed so many lives?

      Rav Chaim: Daven.

  4. Please find a person who knows how to translate.
    The translation is INCORRECT.
    Clearly, stay home…and don`t quote this translation.

  5. Please find a person who knows how to translate.
    The translation is INCORRECT.
    Clearly, stay home…and don`t quote this translation.

  6. This article is dangerously false and misleading!!!!! The psak of Rav Chaim is not to hold any minyan anywhere for any reason!!! Everyone is required to daven b’ychidus–period. You should correct this at once.
    As far as chutz laaretz–Lakewood has banned all private minyanim, and if it is still too hard for you to accept the unanimous medical people urging to STAY AT HOME– don’t come later and complain that there is no room in the hospitals for thousands who ignored the warnings.

    • Brooklyn has not had a unified voice as far as what is permitted and what not, and for whom it applies. Siey nogia davening and siey nogia shopping. Most Shuls have signs on its doors stating that their closed but nevertheless quiet unofficial small minyanim take place. I’ve even heard from a friend of mine who had the virus and is now better, that they have an exclusive minyan for ONLY those who’ve already had the virus and are now better.

  7. From Modiin Illit:
    I have with much anger and frustration watching from my 6th floor window numerous outdoor minyanim–both Shabbas and today–with 30 and more men davening together in complete disregard for the Health Ministry regulations. which allow no more than 10. This is not a pilpul or kvetch (does ten men mean within a certain area etc.) PEOPLES LIVES ARE AT STAKE!!! Rav Chaim says LISTEN TO THE DOCTORS!!! The doctors all say without exception DAVEN AT HOME!!!!! DO NOT GO OUTSIDE!!! NOT ONE DOCTOR HAS SAID SMALL MINYANIM ARE OK–

    • not one doctor has said? you have talked to all the doctors? the health ministry says minyanim where people stay 2 meters apart are ok, that’s doctors

  8. Rav Chaim shlita says LISTEN TO THE DOCTORS.PERIOD. The doctors all say—without exception–DAVEN AT HOME–DO NOT MAKE PRIVATE MINYANIM. Why is this so hard to understand? We are talking about PIKUACH NEFESH!!
    The minyanim are putting lives at risk!!!!!

  9. The comments on this page are about the letter posted on top. If you have other evidence about a psak from Reb Chaim Kanievsky saying that all minyonim are assur, you are welcome to share it.

  10. Fellow Jew: in regard to your homemade psak, thanks but no thanks. You are not a poisek. You seem to be from the self-righteous who are okay with any excuse not to have to follow the “inconveniences” of halacha.
    The actual psak of all the rabbanim has been to follow the directives of the leaders of the medical establishment. None have said to abandon all minyanim that follow the guidelines of social distancing. A minyan of ten people taking place outdoors, where all the people are spread wide apart does not pose any health threat. Those who call it’s participants rotzchim are horrible people who will have to answer for going against those who actually care about tefilla bitzibbur.

    If you’ve been o a grocery to get food, you have some nerve telling people not to daven. Davening in a safe minyan is 1,000 times safer than being in a supermarket.

    “But we need fooooood” you say.
    We “also need tefillah”, G-D say.

    May the zchus of the strong be a kapparah for the rest and bring a refuah to all.

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