Rav Gershon Ribner: Finding Inspiration In BMG’s Dreary Kabbalas Shabbos

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  1. Whenever I look for a potential son in law, the first thing I analyze is what the bachur learns during licha dodi. If he’s horaving on a shvereh Rambam, that’s already a good sign. If he’s just bataling away doing shnayim mikra like a loh yutzlach, then I know for sure it’s not for me. If he is actually singing along with the chazzan trying to create a nice ruach, then I know he’s got one foot off the derech.

  2. I heard from Rav Shmuel Berenbaum that there is nothing wrong with a whole lebidker Kabalos Shabbos but “in Yeshivas we don’t sing in the Beis Medrash” I also remember another alter mirrer rejecting a proposal to sing during Lcho Dodey in his shul saying “Vos is doss? Ah shtiebel?”

    • But yet they DO sing during the Yomim Noraim davening. You can’t have it both ways! I’ve learnt in some of these Yeshivos and saw it first hand. So are you allowed to sing in a Bais medrash or not?!

      • In my days in most Yeshivas they did not sing during the Yomim Noraim davening either.

        The type of Yeshivas that did also sang by Lcho Dodey

  3. The guy at the end asked a great question and the answer is they don’t love Shabbos because they don’t understand what it really is. Thinking shabbos is a great day to learn and thats all it is is depressing for them because lmaisa they know Thursday is a better day for learning. Can’t tell if he’s serious or not. Yes for other people the contrast from Chol to Koidesh is huge but being they arent in much of a Kedusha just learning lomdus, they dont realize they can go from Kedusha L’Kedusha to an even higher Kedusha.

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