Rav Gershon Ribner: Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik Can Solve the Shidduch Crisis

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Rav Gershon Ribner on “The man who holds the power to liberate all who suffer from the shidduch crisis.”



  1. It seems to me like a cop-out
    Every American Rosh Yeshivah who sends Bachurim to E.Y.
    & every Israeli Yeshivah Yeshivah accepting American Bachurim
    are needed to alleviate the Shidduch Crisis.
    The American Yeshivos need to send away their Bachurim earlier
    & the Israeli Yeshivos should not accept older Bachurim

  2. Really good idea which I don’t see other peoples suggesting is that don’t let girls start first grade until they are 7 years old basically adding another year of primary school thus creating a system where girls will only finish seminary closer to 20 if anyone knows if this idea was suggested for girls

    • Your idea is bichlall not tzu der zach because in such a case girls will get engaged during their final high school year.
      What they should do, is start at 16 and send the boys home from yeshivos by 19.
      They should follow the chassidishe yeshivos and start shidduchim by 18-19. The shidduch crisis by chassidim is very low.

  3. At Brisk they’re saying what great tzaddikim run BMG but that BMG holds the key to resolving the shidduch crisis by ending the freezer policy.

  4. To whomever suggested that the age gap repair is the total solution for the ‘Shidduch Crisis’ in America, unfortunately, the international data proves this to be incorrect.

    In Eretz Yisroel, where all our American based pollsters are saying that the ‘crisis’ is non existent there….., I have a suggestion for them, as follows:

    Somebody pick up a phone and call up the heads of the ״חדש״ Israeli seminary -that’s one of many- and ask them about this. Their response will be that yes we in EY do tend to have our boys getting married at age 21 (like many are suggesting we do a copy and paste here in America) but nonetheless we (at our very own seminary) have over 80 girls over the age of 25 not married to date – as of March 14, 2024. That’s of one Israeli seminary only, and there are many many Israeli seminaries there.

    Throwing the dice at the Brisker Rosh Yeshiva may be clever and sound like the latest breakthrough for clickbait, and the point is certainly true, he does indeed have full control over the עולם הישיבות, but aside for it being fantasy that anything will change on that end (Yossel Tabak normalising the housing market for American Yungeleit to come to Brisk…..), their הנחה is simply off in regards to the גופו של ענין.

    It may be an idea to revisit this. The age thing is a theory for as long as this ‘crisis’ existed as we all know, nothing new. And we are indeed seeing from actual data that it does not solve such an issue, and quite frankly will unlikely do so for us either (as the phenomenon hasn’t done so over-there either).

    • What are you saying?? Its not the “total” solution so therefore we should do nothing?? Its a partial solution and if more has to be done lets do more. You are talking about the lives and futures of bnos yisroel. how we can stand by idly and do nothing?? Where are our hearts? Dont we realize that the numbers are growing every year and this crisis is deepining drastically? Perhaps you dont care about klal yisorel’s daughters, but dont you care about your own?

      • How about you think of it as follows:

        1. ‘Total’ in this context does not mean full versus part. It means ‘the’ solution, as this odom choshuv is suggesting it to be (perhaps listen to the audio). And to that the reality says that it’s not the case not even close.

        2. There’s a משקל here, something which apparently you’re unaware of. When destroying some of the crucial developmental years of a Yeshiva bochur, -developmental- which is individual and no two bochurim hit that point at the same time, you then have to take into account is it really worth doing so? Does a maybe a 1% alleviation justify destroying the מסורת הישיבות? The answer is most definitely not. Your entire disagreement is predicated on the fact that the understanding of this point is lacking.

        It’s a משקל. It’s most definitely not black and white as stated. If it were plain and simple it’s a משקל too – maybe a simpler one. Given this reality, it’s a whole lot more complicated. I don’t think anyone, including the Brisker Rosh Yeshiva will do such a reckless action.

        (3. I’d suggest you work on your כח הדיוקים in reading a Rashi. Perhaps you’d do a better job there. Here it really is off must I say.)

        • Do you have a solution to the crisis of damning thouands of girls yearly to never get married? Are you sggesting that we do nothing? Do you really beleive taht rotzon hashem is that thousands of his daugters should never get married because a bochur needs to shteig a little more?? Is that what דרכיה דרכי נועם means in your book? Is an issue that גדולי ישראל did everything in the world to allow (היתר עגונה) today something that we dont care about becasue a bochur is not going to become the greatest lamdan that he could have become? זו תורה????

        • What masores hayeshivos are you talking about?? This whole going to eretz yisorel is a relatively new thing. You make it sound like r chaim volozhiner started this? you need a big mizbaech erected by somebody really big for you to be ready to slaughter thousands of girls on it
          1% allevation is thousands of girls over the years and you an di know it will far greater than 1%
          Yidden are rachmonim. heter agunos was highest priority. The continuity of klal yisroel is basics. I dont know which religion you belong to. It defintely does not smell like Orthodox Judaism

    • Yeh, it gives the apikursim something to hock about. These apikursim don’t believe in the Aibishter kee who zeh kllal. Everything is “numbers” and “statistics”. They don’t need or want Hashem in the process. Wicked evil erev rav.

      • You are a demented individual. בטחון has no place in this discussion at all as all גדולי ישראל will testify. You think R’ Moshe Hillel and every godol in the last twenty years that dealt with this is an apikorus?? Everyone knows there is a problem. Everyone knows what the casue of the problem is. Everyone knows that we must do something about it. The only question that we cant get the roshei yeshiva to agree upon is what to do. Whoever is busy posting and throwing emuna into the picture is doing a מעשה רשעות. Well meaning of course like פנינה
        The role for bitochon is for each and individual to hope and beleive that she will be from the lucky ones to get married but it has no bearing and the klal yisroel situation.

        • Getting defensive, eh? You won’t admit that you believe in your getchgeh, age-gap crisis. In your pea brain, it got so bad even the Aibishter can’t get us out of it. How can we humans, circumvent the Borei Olams exact hashgacha pratis nogia each and every individual zivug. The bas kol 40 days in advance of birth, you don’t believe in. You are a certified apikorus. Also a shoyta.

  5. Very convenient to knock Brisk. How about we seek out a realistic solution that can actually stand a chance to pan out in lmaysah? This one has absolutely no chance, and will in no way solve the issue at hand. Just think.

    • What it would seem to me is simple, the הנחה here is that the Yeshiva system gotta pay the price for whatever gain we’re trying to achieve. So far all the ideas were around BM Yeshivos in America and Brisk. For some reason, perhaps political, the BMG part has been royally omitted.
      If we’re looking for compromise and feel that it’s justified, how about we do this comprehensively between BMG, Brisk, and the BM Yeshiva here in America.
      What’s the answer? They all want and need to have a Yeshiva. Any of this will simply destroy that. Common sense.
      This leave us with the bottom line that none of the parties at the helm of these institutions will be interested in coming to the table on this. Next try.

  6. The whole age-gap theory is totally false!
    The Raw Data for the number of babies born to mothers living in Lakewood township during the years 1990-2021 shows that in ALL these years, year after year, more males are born than females. (Taken from the New Jersey State Health Assessment Data website.)

  7. A little surprised at the tone and some of the descriptions that R’ Gershon used in this conversation. A little shocked to be honest..

  8. The bottom line is, is that nowadays it is easier to be a “good girl” than a “good masmid”. Many “older” girls end up “settling” and marrying working boys or Baalei Teshuva. If they would be open to that option earlier, there would be many more girls married earlier.

  9. From an American shadchan living in EY, mainly dealing with Israelis: the shidduch crisis is the same here. There are more girls than boys in the YESHIVISH circles, same for Sephardim. On the other hand, by the Chasidish velt, it’s the OPPOSITE, not enough girls. So, one idea is that it’s easier for a girl to be considered a “great” girl but harder for a bochur, so we’re kind if victims of the success of convincing girls to want a true ben Torah. Now we have to convince those girls that a working boy who’s koveia ittim is also a worthy choice and not a lower level. As to why there seem to be more chasidish boys than girls, maybe there are families that the sons go all the way but the girls don’t want it, & they look for a yeshivish/learning boy. Non-chasidish girls aren’t willing to change their lifestyles to marry chasidish. Think the men rushing through the Shabbos seudos to go to the tish, or leaving home entirely for Rosh Hashanah or certain Shabbosim or Yomim Tovim. Think about being in charge of a kitchen on Pesach with far fewer ingredients, aming other differences in lifestyle. Getting young, immature boys to the shadchan isn’t going to solve any problems, it’ll just make for more unhappy marriages… The age gap also isn’t the reason because in the past even greater discrepancies were common. So yes, we have a problem. The only idea I can suggest is that girls have to be able to internalize that an ehrliche working boy is also potential husband material. No ideas for chasidish boys, other than changing their mesores, until their Litvish wives are ready to take it on, which isn’t something I can do.

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