Rav Meir Zev Stern zt”l, Rov of Meron

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Meir Zev Stern zt”l, the rov of Meron and Marom HaGalil for decades. He was 86.

Rav Stern was recently hospitalized at Ziv Hospital in Tzefas for an infection. He passed away over Shabbos.

Rav Stern was born in the city of Temeshvar in Romania, as son of Rav Moshe and Rivkah Stern.

After his bar mitzvah, he immigrated to Eretz Yisroel, where he learned at Yeshiva Yachel Yisroel of Seret Vizhnitz under the Mekor Baruch of Seret Vizhnitz. He later received semicha and entered rabbonus.

As a bochur, he first arrived in Meron, and he was subsequently offered the position of rov of the moshav. He took the position with the support of the Mekor Baruch. In those days, he was likely the youngest rov in Eretz Yisroel.

That same year, he married his wife, Rebbetzin Pesya, daughter of Rav Eliyahu Hauer, who lived in Haifa.

Rav Stern was very close to the admorim of Vizhnitz and Seret Vizhnitz throughout the years.

His children include Rav Tuvia, rov of Bais Medrash Tiferes Itamar; Rav Eliyahu, rov of Kehillas Meorei Ohr in Rechovot; Rav Elazar, rov of Kehillas Meorei Ohr in Ashdod and chaver of Badatz Kehillos; Rav Shimon, the Lizhensker Rebbe in Monsey; Rav Baruch; and Rav Chaim, mashpiah at Yeshivas Bais Yisroel and Damesek Eliezer-Vizhnitz. His son, Rav Yisroel Stern, passed away about ten years ago.

The levayah was held tonight at his home in Meron, followed by kevurah in Meron.

Yehi zichro boruch.

{Matzav.com Israel}



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