Rachel Newman had just spent 10 days on a mechanical ventilator in a medically induced coma, then four days alone, scared and disoriented in a hospital ward room. Countless studies suggest the experience could set her up for prolonged emotional distress and a steep physical recovery.
But when the COVID-19 patient was finally discharged from a Toronto hospital this month, she was delivered to the exit on a cold April night in just a hospital gown, with virtually no instructions on what to do next.
It is distressing to hear when patients and families experience any kind of gap in care
Newman’s husband, Zale, struggled to look after a wife whose stomach had shrunk and psyche had taken a beating, with health-care professionals refusing to see her in person. He had tested positive for COVID-19, too, and the couple seemed “toxic” to the medical system, Zale says. An overseas relative who had been a nurse finally gave some much-needed guidance. Read more at National Post.
She’s lucky she wasn’t murdered by the doctors and nurses.
Patient with coronavirus reported that she and other patients were murdered at a New York hospital with a lethal injection.
NEW YORK.- A woman from the Dominican Republic infected with Covid-19 left a voice message before dying, in a New York hospital. She stated that they are killing the sick with an injection that they give them to get rid of them quickly
Gertrudis Taveras, a native of Santo Domingo, lived in Brooklyn and was diagnosed with the coronavirus, so she was admitted to a hospital where she died.
Before she died, the 49-year-old woman sent a voice message to a relative of hers, who is also her compadre, in which she states that all the patients who were with her died after being injected.
In the message, in a tearful voice, Gertrudis explains that she was also injected and shows resignation, because she knew that she would die like the others who were confined with her in that hospital.
The audio was posted on social media by the victim’s cousin’s husband, who calls on people with relatives in New York hospitals to be vigilant about how their relatives die.
That’s because Canada has national insurance, like all the liberals want for the US.
Stick with the dems+bernie+aoc+warren+biden = socialism/communism. Then we’ll all be thrown out onto the street like this poor woman.
This is sad and horrifying….and kind of private. Has the family given permission to share article?
[Grumpy posters, please don’t take your tension out on me, thanks.]
AniSemite Hospital. What then?
אל תשליכנו לעת זקנה…
She’s only 87
This sounds like maybe the woman may have been experiencing covid psychosis/delirium. She would likely not have been aware of anyone else’s (more than perhaps? a roommate). treatment or medications in the hospital.