Rav Shternbuch: A World War Could Break Out at Any Moment

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At the Chevron Yeshiva in Givat Mordechai last night, a large atzeres hesped was held, attended by masses of yeshiva bochurim and residents from the area.

The roshei yeshiva of the yeshiva, Rav Moshe Shternbuch, and Rav Don Segal spoke.

Rav Shternbuch surprised the audience by expanding on his remarks and discussing the Russia-Ukraine war, warning that a world war could break out at any moment.

In his remarks, Rav Shternbuch referred to the war between Russia and Ukraine: “At any moment, a fire of war may break out all over the world. We were left as a ship without a captain at such a difficult time at home and abroad, suffering severe cuts in the country from the predatory government, and on the other hand, at any moment, a world war could break out.”

He began his remarks with divrei hesped about Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l.

“The world with Rav Chaim and without Rav Chaim is two different worlds completely.”

“It is bitter for us that Rav Chaim passed away, but it is more bitter for us that the ship has lost its captain, that difficult questions are coming today that we have never been asked, and we do not have a captain like the captains of previous generations.”

He then elaborated on the Russia-Ukraine war and said: “Some people think that prayers for the Jews of Ukraine are only for the salvation of the Jews of Ukraine, but it is a mistake – the prayers are not only for the Jews of Ukraine. Rather, we pray for ourselves, for the world.”

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. According to BSA Research, there is a 10% chance that “civilization-ending nuclear war” will happen within the next twelve months.

    And all this because America suddenly loves the Ukrainian “culture” and “right” to self-determination. At the same time, China kills a million Uyghurs and we have no problem honoring China with an Olympic games. We are racists. For white Ukrainians, we destroy the world. For Asiatic Uyghurs, we wouldn’t lift a finger.

  2. We were indeed left as a ship without a captain but according to real news there’s no world war on the horizon, even though the left are desperate for one. However, they do have plans to go to Israel and get rid of their nuclear plants and other chemical facilities as well as some political criminals like they’ve done all over the world, after they’re done with Taiwan.


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