Rav Yankel Cohen zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Refoel Yisroel Yaakov (Yankel) Cohen zt”l.

Rav Cohen was a fixture at Telshe Yeshiva in Wickliffe, Ohio for almost 70 years. He enrolled there as a talmid in 1951 and never really left, later becoming a R”M and mashgiach at the yeshiva.

Rav Cohen was a truly unique oveid Hashem, spending his life between the walls of the bais medrash and teaching Torah to bnei Torah for over half a century.

With his passing, Telshe has lost a unique role model, an integral part of the yeshiva and its talmidim’s lives, leaving a void hard to fill.

The levayah will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, January 13, at noon, at Congregation Ahavas Torah, located at 240 Broad Avenue in Englewood, NJ.

Yehi zichro boruch.



    • It was beautiful to watch him leave on a Friday night/Early Shabbos morning, at about 4 A.M., to go to the local Shul to learn. It did not matter that the outside ground had unplowed snow. He was not deterred that the shul was cold, he was warm, learning Torah. He was in the company of his favorite companions, רבא & אביי. In fact, one Chol Hamoed Sukkos, when he was in Jerusalem, Eretz Yisroel, the Gabai of Reb Chaim Kanievsky zt”l visited him. He expressed that he heard so much about Reb. Yankel zt”l, and he was eager to meet this world renowned “masmid.” As the Gabbai was leaving, he invited Reb Yankel zt”l, to visit Reb. Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. However, Reb Yankel zt”l declined saying: “The ride from Yerushalayim to B’nai Brak will take three hours, round trip.” Then the long line of people waiting to see the gadol, deterred him as well. He reminded the Gabbai that in Yerushalayim, he had accessible רבא & אביי, absent any travel. Ultimately, after some encouragement, he did travel, by cab, (to save time), to visit Reb Chaim zt”l. He received a warm reception from the closest Gabbai, R’ Epstein, whose father was a friend of Reb. Yankel. Without much wait, Reb Yankel zt”l, met with Reb Chaim zt”l for approximately twenty (20) minutes. ” יהי זכרם ברוך”.

  1. An ari shebachaburah over 50 years ago. Remember the rischa deoiraisoh we would observe especially when he used to be מפלפל ש with the Roshei Yeshivas – Rav Boruch and Rav Gifter .
    מי יתן לנו תמורתו
    י-הא מליץ יושר בעד משפחתו והישיבה הקדושה וכלל ישראל .,,

  2. Dear all the cohen I’m sorry to hear what a loss you have i to want to tell you that Rabbi Cohen is not only a Rabbi and teaches Torah but he also a big Talmid Chochom how do i know this because learning and learning and Rabbi Cohen will never stop learning it is something very interesting to know because Everyone loved him and everyone cares about him whatever you think is the best because truth is i know the family and i know the wife very well because i used to come visit all the time and i feel that this is something a big loss and i do want to tell you how special this family is because you never know what will happen or not but you should know how it feels to be alone and not knowing someone is not there but think how you want to be like him because if you really want to be then you could especially learning all day and all night is amazing i don’t know about anyone does that is quite incredible thing to do and being part of Yeshiva is quite amazing because i seen him and different families and i talked to them and smiling and having a good time and you should know that when someone pass on we should remember what we want to be like being able to learn we can always be like that is quite amazing because when i come visit on Shabbos i talked to them a lot and i see from there they are such a great partners and they could teach more Torah in the family we should only share Simchas and all Kal Yisorel

  3. Dear all the Cohen i wanted to tell you that every week when i go visit the cohen the only thing i know that they love company because it means so much to them and you see how wonderful they are and you see that Rabbi Cohen is a great Talmid Chocom how do i know that because when someone loves learning so much and teaching and giving a Shir you know how big Talmid Chocom Not only loving learning the Torah is something to do everyday is not easy to learn Torah and Talking Torah and giving others to think about you should know how much effort he puts in of teaching or learning the Torah is it important thing that Hashem wants all of us needs to learn every single day it might not be easy and especially when you might need help or you might need to know something or you might have questions or anything All of Rabbi Cohen life was learning reaching his goal and everything will go straight up to Hashem being able to learn and not sleeping is something incredible because i would never think otherwise how someone does that in the world that is doing something for the years of being able to learn and growing this is something that we all should learn from if you wanted to be like Him you could and have him in mind and When someone is davening in Shul or learning in shul or learning in yeshiva is something amazing to do when i go visit ever week i do know that they love having company because they are really caring people giving kindness and special people we should all learn that we should always be able to put in the strength how it came out to be sometimes we can do something about it and sometimes not we never know but however we should try least because we know how it is important to be learning the way how Rabbi Cohen does not sleeping a lot I can’t even imange learning all day and at night this is something that we should learn from we should only share simchas in all Kal Yisorel and we should only share good things and happy things all over


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