Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Sekula zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Sekula zt”l, menahel of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. He was 83.

Rav Sekula was a son of Rav Yerachmiel Yisroel Sekula, the Sadovna Rov. The Sekula family escaped Europe and relocated to the United States, settling in New York.

Rav Sekula learned in his youth at Yeshiva Chasan Sofer and then at Bais Medrash Elyon in Monsey.

As his reputation as a talmid chochom grew, he was appointed at a maggid shiur at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and, about two decades later, as mashgiach of the yeshiva. He later became menahel ruchni.

Rav Sekula was an integral part of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas for five decades, impacting thousands of bnei Torah profoundly.

The levayah will be held today, at 9:45 a.m., at the Sadovna Beis Medrash, located at 1424 51st Street in Boro Park.

Yehi zichro boruch.





  1. He was my 9th grade Rebbe and 10th grade Rebbe in Torah Vodaas high school, in 1966-1968.
    He was a great Rebbi, explained the Gemoro well, and a terrific baal mussar, so much so that he was able to reach and touch the hearts of young 15-16 year old American boys.
    I was very happy when we saw at the beginning of 10th grade that he would be our Rebbe another year.
    Until today, I have terrifically fond memories of him.
    Tehi zichro boruch.

  2. His Thursday Musar Shmuezzen were legendary. Who can forget the sory of the “rusty penny” he would say on Parshas Noach. His Purim Fabreng was always packed and he connected with American Bochurim in a most profound way.


  3. Both Rabbi Sekula and his amazing father were instrumental in my siblings, my cousins and I being educated in Torah Vodaas. 40 years later all of our children are continuing on the derach of Torah and Daas. BD’E what a profound loss for Klal Yisroel

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