Rav Zilberstein from His Rebbi: No Zemiros Aloud Out of Sensitivity to Those in Battle

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Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, noted posek and rov of Ramat Elchonon, called not to hold traditional joyous dances in the streets of cities during Purim due to the ongoing war in Gaza.

In a recording, Rav Zilberstein explained that it is appropriate to be sensitive to the families whose sons are currently on the battlefield in Gaza.

“I was mekabel from my rebbi, Hagaon Rav Mordechai Shulman, rosh yeshiva of the Slabodka Yeshiva, that at a time of war he would caution and say to the yeshiva students that it is forbidden to go out and wander the streets without reason.

“‘Why should you be seen?’ he wondered. ‘After all, everyone is in the battlefield. There are women whose husbands are at war, there are mothers whose hearts ache for their sons…

“He also felt that one should not sing Shabbos zemiros aloud, so as not to distress the neighbors whose relatives were in the battlefield. Therefore, it is certainly appropriate to be cautious about this also on Purim this year, as much as possible.”

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Everything going on in the world has a message directly from Hashem. Where can we find the story of Purim with any relation to the current Israel-Hamas war?

    There are 167 pesukim in Megillas Esther.

    The year of the Israeli-Hamas war that was still in the midst of the war when Purim came. That year taanis Esther was pushed back to Thursday and Thursday was 167 days since the beginning of the Israeli-Hamas war which started on October 7th 2023. How does that shock you? How does that grab you?

    May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together like we did in the story of Purim so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov

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