Reb Shlomo Fischer z”l

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It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Reb Shlomo Fischer z”l. He was 79 years old.

Reb Shlomo hailed from East New York, a member of a group of esteemed families who grew up in the melting pot of America but stood steadfast in their adherence to Torah and avodah.

Reb Shlomo learned at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin and later went into the field of chinuch and education, teaching for decades. He married his wife, Hindy, in 1964, and they settled in Flatbush.

Many people remember Reb Shlomo and Mrs. Fischer from their many years at Camp Agudah, where Reb Shlomo was a beloved figure. Always with a smile and a good vort, Reb Shlomo brought simcha and joy to every encounter.

Mrs. Fischer passed away about 13 years ago following illness.

After residing in Flatbush for many years, about a decade ago Reb Shlomo moved to Lakewood, settling in the New Central/Central Avenue neighborhood.

Reb Shlomo is survived by an outstanding family. His children are R’ Sruly, R’ Aharon, R’ Moshe, R’ Yitzy, Mrs. Rochel Leah Katz, Mrs. Breindy Fogel, Mrs. Malky Goldberg and Mrs. Chaya Blimi Schreiber. Reb Shlomo is also survived by his brother, Reb Dovid Fischer of Flatbush.

The levayah will be held at 10 a.m. at the Congregation Sons of Israel Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Street, Lakewood, NJ. Watch it live on Zoom HERE. Password: 997884. Listen by phone at 646.558.8656. Webinar ID: 868 5942 5473, Password: 997884.

Shivah will take place at 127 Nicholas Avenue in Lakewood, NJ.

Yehi zichro boruch.



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