Reb Yossel Czapnik z”l

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It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Reb Yosef Tzvi Czapnik z”l. He was 69 years old.

A native of Manhattan’s West Side, in his formative years Reb Yossel learned at Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim and later at Bais Medrash Govoah in Lakewood.

A brilliant individual, Reb Yossel possessed wide-ranging yedios haTorah, as well as a remarkable grasp of Jewish history, world history, Jewish personages and gedolim, and much more.

For many years and until his petirah, Reb Yossel served as a senior editor at the Yated Ne’eman newspaper. Reb Yossel was a talented writer, and an editor with an eagle-eye who could be relied upon for his outstanding expertise as a senior editor at America’s first Torah newspaper.

A fount of information, Reb Yossel was a beloved presence wherever he was.

Originally a resident of Boro Park, Brooklyn, Reb Yossel relocated a number of years ago to Lakewood, NJ, where he resided in the Madison Avenue area and was a mispallel at the Gerer Shteibel on Tenth Street.

Reb Yossel leaves behind many grieving friends and colleagues. His brother, Rav Avrohom Czapnik, leads The Jewish Learning Exchange in Los Angeles.

Yehi zichro boruch.

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  1. He was born and raised on the west side of manhattan and learned in yeshiva chofetz chaim on 89th street and riverside drive. his father was a gerrer chosid from cracow. reb berish czapnik was the gabbai of the moriah shul in the west side.

  2. I think he was nearer 70 than 60, somewhere around 70, I am not sure which side of 70 though. BDE there is no replacement this is an earlier generation.

  3. He was a real brilliant person and interesting to listen to but what was most amazing about him was his ability to inspire with his neshama. He was a warm and expressive character who always had something special and brilliant thing to say. On the other hand, he didn’t have an easy life. May he rest in peace.

  4. As a young kid growing up in Lakewood in the 70’s, I remember Reb Yossel as being a gishmake lebidike person. Always had a vort or story.

  5. Unfortunately, we don,t get to see many people like Yossel around these days.
    Growing up, Reb Yossel used to spend time at our house, I can still remember how he used to be us Misameach with his kind words and jokes. he came down to each individual persons level.
    Reb Yossel was indeed an intelligent individual as well as a big Talmid Chuchem.
    One purim, Reb Yossel was home with a broken leg, our family came to be him Misameach as well as bring him Mishloach Mannos at his apartment when he mentioned that you shouldn’t come be Misameach rather I should be you Misameach and he started telling us stories and some good jokes.
    Reb Yossel was a true legend and will truely be missed.

  6. Baruch Dayan HaEmes. What a tragic loss for Klal Yisroel. We remember him from his many visits to L.A. He knew how to make everyone feel special, he always knew how to give over something that would touch the person he was talking with, no matter what their background.

  7. What a loss.
    I can’t stop crying.

    He was a genius of a man.
    A major talmid chacham who remembered everything.
    So beloved to all.
    He connected to all no matter the age, no matter the type.
    He liked to see everyone happy.
    He always had a good word. Always a story to cheer you up.
    Was so generous and so good.

    He had a hard life yet he was always happy for others and making sure that everyone around him was happy.
    He should have an aliya.

  8. What a loss! He was a unique individual, full of chiyus full of geshmak. He was a varme yid and so kind to everyone. Even though he personally did not have it so easy, still he exuded simcha and made people feel good and happy always. He was very special! So so sad. Oy. HKBH should have mercy on us.

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