Rebbe’s Gift Saves Stabbing Victim

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The Toldos Aharon chassidus is abuzz with the story of how Avrohom Almaliach, the yeshiva student stabbed at Sha’ar Shechem while returning from the Kosel, was saved by a sefer bequeathed to him by the Toldos Aharon Rebbe.

Two days earlier, Almaliach, an orphan from his mother, had participated in a menorah lighting ceremony organized by the rebbe for orphaned children and widows in the framework of the Shaarei Rachamim organization established 25 years ago.

After the lighting, the Rebbe distributed a booklet titled Kabbolas Ol Malchus Shomayim. Based on the Yud Gimel Ikarei Emunah, it was authored by the Shomer Emunim Rebbe and said to be a segulah for salvation and shemirah. Rav Almaliach placed it in his suit pocket for a shemirah like many chassidim who constantly keep it with them.

The terrorist’s stab towards his heart was blocked by the pages of the holy booklet. Hatzalah medic Srulik Wallis who took Almaleh’s jacket and hat to the police testified: “I saw a hole in the jacket where there the stab had entered opposite the heart. It penetrated the cover of the Malchus Shomayim booklet but was miraculously stopped from entering his heart.”

Rav Almaleh sent an emissary to thank the rebbe and to inform him that the booklet he gave him saved his life.

{ Israel}



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