Rebbetzin Chaiky Rubin a”h

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It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Rebbetzin Chaiky Rubin a”h, wife of Rav Y. Reuven Rubin, rov of Adass Aish Kodesh in Manchester.

After living in Brooklyn New York, where Rav Rubin opened the very first frum school for adolescent boys with learning difficulties, Rav and Rebbetzin Rubin moved to England in answer to a call from the South Manchester Community.

In the quarter of a century of service of Rav and Rebbetzin Rubin, the community was transformed, and many people who lived in the shul’s proximity began their Jewish awareness under the rebbetzin and the rov’s understanding guidance.

Rav Rubin served as the Chairman of the Rabbinical Council of the Provinces for a number of years and is presently a member of the Rabbinical committee of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe.

With the support of Rebbetzin Rubin, Rav Rubin had been able to bring an awareness of Yiddishekit to youngsters of all backgrounds.

In Elul of 5770, Rav and Rebbetzin Rubin took on a new challenge. After twenty-five years of leadership in South Manchester, they moved to North Manchester to open a new educational center. The thrust would be a new school that would help youngsters who find education in larger settings too difficult.

The rebbetzin was an isha chasuvah in her own right, and is credited for the harbotzas haTorah and influence of her husband.

The levayah will take place at the rebbetzin’s home, located at 3 Canterbury Drive in Prestwich, at 2 p.m., and will then proceed to Phillips Park.
Yehi zichrah boruch.



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