Rebbetzin Zelda Baila Alpert a”h

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It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Rebbetzin Zelda Baila Alpert a”h.

Rebbetzin Zeldi was the wife of Rav Nison Lipa Alpert, rosh yeshiva and rosh kollel at Yeshiva Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon, rov of Agudah of Long Island, and author of Limudei Nison and other works.

Rav Nison arrived in America at the age of 12 with no knowledge of English, graduating Washington Irving High School as valedictorian of his class. He learned at Mesivtha Tifereth Yerushalayim, where he became a very close talmid of Rav Moshe Feinstein.

Rebbetzin Shima Feinstein was the shadchan who arranged the shidduch between Rav Nisson and Zeldi Scheinberg, daughter of Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Ore in Yerushalayim.

Rav Nison was first the rov of the East Third Street Shul in the Lower East Side, and later became the rov of Agudath Israel of Long Island. In 1967, he was appointed as a rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon, before becoming the first rosh kollel of its Kollel L’Horaah—Yadin-Yadin.

In 1983, Rav and Rebbetzin Alpert suffered the sudden tragic loss of their 19-year-old son, Yishaya Mendel. Rav Nison was niftar at the age of 58 in 1986

The rebbetzin was a devoted eizer kenegdo who stood by her husband and allowed him to engage in his harbotzas haTorah. After his petirah, she continued to inspire and uplift those she came in contact with, always sharing a kind word or chizuk thought.

The levayah is being held at Agudath Israel of Long Island in Far Rockaway. The aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah there.

Yehi zichrah boruch.


  1. “Rebbetzin Shima Feinstein”


    “Shima” is just a different pronunciation of Sima. Like some Yidden of the last dor might say Rav Meyshe Feinstein, instead of Rav Moshe (zt”l). But they would still not change the spelling of Moshe when writing it.

    • If you ever saw the matzeiva of Rebetzin Feinstein you would see that her name is spelled with a shin and not with a samach like Sima is. I know several of her great grandchildren and their names are Shima

      • They might have spelled it and pronounced it that way, but still, in origin, Sima and Shima are the same thing, Shima being a different pronunciation. It is like saying that Blima is a different name than Bluma. They are the same, just different pronunciations.

        If Rav Moshe’s father called him Meyshe (or Maishe, spell it as you wish), in a Litvishe pronunciation, does that mean his name was Meyshe and not Moshe? Of course not.

        If you investigate this among true scholars of Jewish onomastics (the science and study of names), you will understand better.

  2. Is there any Family sitting Shiva in the States? Can you please post where the Shiva is located and which family members are sitting where? Thank you.

  3. On the matzeiva of Rebbetzin Feinstein, her name is written as Shima with a shin and not with a samach as Sima would be. I kinow several of her great grandchildren, and their names are Shima


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