Report: Egypt Asked Israel Not To Harm Hamas and Jihad Leaders

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The al-Araby al-Jadid newspaper reported, citing Egyptian sources, that the U.S. government has engaged in recent negotiations with regional actors, primarily Egypt, to prevent a full-scale conflict. These talks come amid American and Israeli concerns regarding Iran’s potential involvement.

According to Egyptian sources, “The American administration has been conducting intensive discussions with Egyptian officials to exert pressure on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad to cease their activities in the West Bank. There is a perception that attempts are being made to incite tensions on the Lebanese front, aligning with the Iranian agenda.”

The Egyptian official further explained that Egypt is actively involved in efforts to thwart Israeli plans targeting Hamas, particularly through the potential assassination of Saleh al-Arouri, who is currently in Lebanon. Al-Arouri holds the position of deputy leader of Hamas and is responsible for overseeing the organization’s military and terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria.

Moreover, the Egyptian official revealed that representatives from the Egyptian General Intelligence Agency have urged Israel not to make public statements on this matter, halt any security plans that could escalate the conflict beyond Judea and Samaria, and refrain from targeting Hamas and Jihad leaders outside of Judea and Samaria.

Concurrently, Egyptian officials have communicated with Hamas leadership, emphasizing the seriousness of Israel’s intentions to target the organization’s members in Lebanon, starting with al-Arouri. As a result, security measures around al-Arouri have been intensified, with his movements and encounters being kept confidential.

{ Israel}


  1. This report is misleading. It places the onus on Egypt. That is not the case. It is the Biden administration that is putting Egypt up to this. Biden, whose inheritance from Obama is unbridled love for terrorists, is putting pressure on Egypt to push Israel away from the target assassinations of the chief terrorists. This is the bidding of the Squad whose hate for Israel is as severe as the Nazis. And Biden, whose dementia has continued to progress, has made his mouth subservient to the evil desires of terror lovers. Not sure if Biden was ever nicer, but he’s devolved into a messenger for the worst specimens of humanity.

  2. No reason for Egypt to ask Israel not to harm terrorists’ leaders, Israel’s Judicial Court and the Mossad are guarding them.

  3. Did the request also include a request not to assasinate Israelis or is that a given free reign for these terror groups? It’s funny how they’re allowed to declare a fatwa yet they’re to be protected. This indeed sounds like an Obama/Biden request. Egypt is not that corrupt.


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