Report: Hamas Terrorists Were Ordered To Target Israeli Schools, “Kill As Many People As Possible”

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Hamas terrorists were instructed by their leaders to intentionally target elementary schools and youth centers in Israel to “kill as many people as possible” during their shocking sneak attack, according to a report. The disturbing plot was detailed in “top secret” documents recovered by Israeli first responders from the bodies of Hamas fighters, as per NBC News, which obtained photos of the plans.

These distressing orders focused on gathering points within three Israeli kibbutzim bordering Gaza, where civilians, particularly women and children, could be easily ambushed and abducted. One plan directed two highly trained Hamas units to encircle and infiltrate the Kfar Sa’ad kibbutz, acting together to corral as many unsuspecting Israelis as possible, as outlined in documents written in Arabic.

One unit was tasked with “containing the new Da’at school,” while the second group was instructed to “collect hostages,” “inspect the Bnei Akiva youth center,” and “search the old Da’at school.”

Another page in the plans, labeled “Top Secret Maneuver,” contained similar instructions for one unit to secure the east side of Kfar Sa’ad, while the second unit would control the west. The documents explicitly stated that the invaders should “kill as many as possible” and “capture hostages.”

These detailed plans pinpointed specific buildings Hamas intended to target, entry points, and the modes of transportation the units would use. The documents also included the villages of Kfar Aza, Nachal Oz, and Alumim.

These detailed plans are among many being analyzed by Israeli officials. An IDF source revealed that the level of specificity in these documents was unprecedented, surprising even seasoned intelligence personnel. The plans seemingly contradict Hamas’s claims that they were not targeting and harming children in their attacks on Israel.

In a disturbing video, the terrorist group showed men in military attire handling and playing with abducted Israeli infants and children. In response, Israeli officials declared a “complete siege” of Gaza, blocking the region from receiving any supplies until Hamas releases the hostages.

Early Friday, Israel ordered the massive evacuation of up to 1.1 million Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours, possibly in preparation for a ground invasion targeting Hamas terrorists. In defiance of this warning, Hamas encouraged citizens to “remain steadfast in your homes” and to “stand firm in the face of this disgusting psychological war.”

The current death toll stands at 1,300 in Israel, including 27 Americans.

{ Israel}


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