Report: Incidents of Jew-Hate Up 316% In Australia

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New research reveals the extent of Jew-hatred in Australia since the Hamas-led terror attacks against southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) released a report on Dec. 1 tracking incidents from October 2023 through September 2024, which showed that in 2023 the total antisemitic incidents in the country reached 495. For 2024, that number rose to 2062, a 316% jump.

Broken down by types of incidents, physical assaults shot up even higher—going from 11 in 2023 to 65 in 2024, a 491% increase.

In response to the report, Australia’s Opposition leader Peter Dutton stated that “this is not just a Jewish issue—it is a national crisis, and it demands urgent action. Enough is enough.”

ECAJ research director Julie Nathan compiled the report.

“If anything, the raw numbers understate the seriousness of the surge in antisemitism that has occurred,” she said. “There have been many new forms and expressions of anti-Jewish racism that would once have been considered alien to Australia, but which have become commonplace.”

Nathan added that “if it was thought that anti-Jewish racism was a thing of the past and defeated, the last 12 months has shown that it has been cynically reactivated and stoked for political purposes.”



  1. Does tgis mean the Emerald Islanders have knocked off the Maori and now pounce on the Yidden. Do we wait til the first refugees arrive?


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