RETZICHA: Satmar Rebbe Decries “Murder” Via WhatsApp and Statuses

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Last night, at the annual Satmar כא’ כסלו eventm, with thousands celebrating the escape of the previous Satmar Rebbe zt”l from the Nazis ym”s, the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Aharon Teitelbaum, spoke about current issues and events pertaining to the klal.

The rebbe spoke out against smartphones, stating that we are losing our body and neshama together, and even for those who have a filter, the yetzer hora has found a way to bypass it through other means, such as Watsapp groups and statuses that are not filtered, connecting people of different backgrounds with each other.

“People send and forward all kinds of lashon hora, rechilus, nivul peh and giluy arayos,” he said, “and within a few seconds one can spread filth across the world.”

The rebbe said to the one who sends these clips he is “like Yerovom ben Nevat who causes others to sin.”

“This has caused many tzaros on Klal Yisroel, both physically and spiritually, destroying homes. We must scream loud about the low point that we have reached.”

The rebbe called out those who post and pass images of people in trouble with the law, who were caught or convicted. “It’s bad enough they are shamed at the moment, but this only increases their bizyonos,” he said.

The rebbe called a person who takes such a picture “a rotzeach,” for as chazal say, כל המלבין פני חברו ברבים כאילו שופך דמים. Those who share it and distribute it to other groups are also guilty of retzicha. “We have murderers among us to whom Jewish blood is cheap in their eyes,” he said.

Hefker Velt

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  1. “The rebbe called a person who takes such a picture “a rotzeach,” for as chazal say, כל המלבין פני חברו ברבים כאילו שופך דמים.”

    I agree. Unfortunately, in their great immaturity, are guilty of this avleh. They also post pictures and videos of Yidden in car accidents, houses burning down, robbed & mugged on the streets or subway, etc. Matzav tries to rub their hands in such sanctimony as they won’t show pictures of chashuva women who passed away, unless it’s a paid ad/infomercial on this site (gelt always takes precedence), but they will constantly show fellow Yidden in midst of their worst tzaros. Pheh. Such phonyism.

    • Matzav used to be better than others and it is still better but the chemdas mamon has been causing them to catch up on the click bait.

  2. The Rebbe is 100% right, I have blocked the other well known Jewish news Web sites from my home using open DNS, because of my concern for supporting those who have no compunction about Lashon Hora, Onaas Devarim, not to mention being mavayish pnei chavero berabim. I think those issues are a lot worse for my neshama than some of the other issues with the internet which are mainly bein odom lamakom.

    Matzav is better than the others in this respect. (although I was bothered when Matzav gratuitously posted a certain video recently that had absolutely no news value whatsoever and for purely entertainment purposes showed someone who was in a compromised position)


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