RISING PRICES: Signs at Rosner’s in Boro Park Say It All

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  1. Why is this article being publicized? Obviously this is implicating J&J and Golden Flow. We don’t need Capitan Obvious to tell us that.

    • They should be implicated! Inflation should be equally impacting all of the cholov yisroel companies, so if only select companies are raising their prices then they are probably just using the general inflation crisis to unnecessarily raise prices and increase their profit. Many consumers are harassed and just grab any cholov yisroel company milk assuming that they are all roughly the same price. Why not educate them that some companies are trying to take advantage of the situation and rip them off.

    • Even if the big boys don’t negotiate at least Rosner is showing his customers that he is doing his best to stand by then and keep his prices down.
      He has great prices on many of his products and many struggling large families shop there. A real mensch.

    • He is not such a small player. He kept the prices of many Pasach product down to normal since he opened up in Boro Park. The other stores around here monitor his price and are afraid to go too much higher than him. They are afraid of loosing their customers to him!

  2. I wish my grocery would do the same. Instead they jacked up the price of Golden Flow milk from 2.79 to 3.79 from one week to the next.

    • A good aitza would be to boycott all chalav yisroel products for a week. That would bring these arrogant companies to their knees. B”H there are plenty of chalav stam products with very good hechsherim available to the kosher consumer. At least with the goyishe companies, they DO have sales every other week. NEVER with heimishe company products! Never!

      • Which chalav “stam” milk has a very good hechsher?
        What does the hechsher attest to, as opposed to the USDA certification?

      • Small companies and stores can’t compete with the prices of their larger competitors— it’s basic economics. You can’t expect “Mehadrin” to match the price of “Hood” for a gallon of milk. If you don’t want to spend more for cholov yisroel that’s your choice but don’t complain that cholov yisroel costs more.

      • Let’s be honest, if you takeh are on a tight budget then ah’n buy the chalav stam to save the money. But a significant portion of the kvetchers waste money on shtusim. You don’t think the RBS’O looks favorably when we spend “a little” extra for his chumras? And if the chalav Yisroel companies are takeh ripping us off, yesh din v’yesh dayan.

    • $3.99 in my store. So, we bought a quart instead of a half gallon (thereby paying an even higher price per ounce). It’s tough for many of us who you wouldn’t suspect are having a hard time.

  3. Cholov STAM is only $1.89. Rav Moshe Ztzl says “no eiruv” so you don’t hold by the eiruv. Rav Moshe Ztzl says “Cholov STAM is ok” but se past nisht for you to be seen with it. Keep hiding your Hershey Bars.

    • Good point. This whole chalav yisroel charade is only for show/theater. Anything that helps get their children that top tier shidduch. These same people, while vacationing in some yehupitzville USA, after davening biyechedus, consume chalav stam. I hate these phonies.

    • Rav Moshe zt”l clearly said although it’s not necessary it’s still preferable to be makpid on cholov yisroel
      אגרות משה יו”ד ח”א סי’ מ”ז – אבל מ”מ לבעלי נפש מן הראוי להחמיר

  4. Listen you am haratzus, Reb Moshe says cholov Stam is OK, and also says that a yirei shamayim shouldn’t rely on that
    That it’s better to only have cholov yisroel
    Why are you writing a comment for people to see and possibly be influenced, and have no knowledge of what your saying?

  5. @Tired of being ripped off
    There is only 1 hecsher when it comes to milk for cholov stam. I live in Queens and we DO have sales on the Heimishe companies including milk.

    @R’ I. Kutchepeckeroff
    Time for a review of what Rav Moshe said; he concludes that its not OK for everyone

  6. @Tired of being ripped off
    There is only 1 hecsher when it comes to milk for cholov stam. I live in Queens and we DO have sales on the Heimishe companies including milk.

    @R’ I. Kutchepeckeroff
    Time for a review of what Rav Moshe said; he concludes that its not OK for everyone

  7. Why is everyone complaining about kosher milk? The prices on everything is escalating due to deliberate shutdowns and crazy union rules for truckers

    • But we do have Joe Biden as the leader of the free world so I’m sure he’ll do something real soon to correct this.


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