Ronny Jackson, Former White House Doctor, Predicts Biden Will Resign

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Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), the controversial former White House physician, said on Thursday that he believed President Biden would resign because of his limited cognitive abilities.

During an episode of Fox’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity criticized responses Biden gave during a CNN town hall the day before, calling some “completely incomprehensible.”

In an interview with Jackson, Hannity said that Biden would not perform well on a cognitive test, repeating a claim circulated among Republicans that the president’s health is in decline.

Donald Trump took a cognitive test. He got 30 out of 30 right. I hear it’s a very difficult test. I do not think Joe Biden would do well on that test. Is that a fair assessment based on what I’m observing?” Hannity asked Jackson.

“Absolutely, Sean, and I’ve been saying this from the very beginning. I’ve been saying that something’s going on here. I was saying this when he was candidate Joe Biden, and I’ve been saying that it’s only going to get worse, and guess what. We’re watching that happen right before our eyes right now,” Jackson said.

“There’s something seriously going on with this man right now, and, you know, I think that he’s either going to resign, they’re going to convince him to resign from office at some point in the near future for medical issues or they’re going to have to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of this man right now,” Jackson later added.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Biden will be resigned by his VP.
    It’s certainly a kinder fate than how a different political family got rid of their rivals.

  2. I think the 25th Ammendment is what’s going to be used but when that happens, both America as we knew it since its inception and Israel are in big trouble! Hashem yishmore.

  3. You did not big prophecy to know that Biden will be out the door any moment because President Trump is coming back any day now.

  4. You did not big prophecy to know that Biden will be out the door any moment because President Trump is coming back any day now. But mainstream fakers will say that Biden is resigning because of his health.

    • Correct. The White House doctor is very much aware that the real Biden is GONE FOR GOOD and the one playing Biden is an actor but they cannot tell this to the public. Ch”v to wake up the sheeple. So they concoct a report that the doctor said that Biden will resign. Dead people don’t resign.

  5. Chaim, just be aware that if Biden is forced to resign due to cognitive incompetence, Trump will not become president. We will have Kamala Harris instead with her loony laughter and leftist buddies. She was chosen as Biden’s running mate because she is female and black which in today’s woke society makes her automatically highly qualified to be President of the United States. She was well aware that she was slated to inherit the presidency from Slow Joe. Even before Biden won the elections, she had referred to a Harris administration. Nice Freudian slip.

  6. The choice in 2020 was the worst in U.S. history: one candidate demented, one crazy. OK, we chose the demented one; it was probably the right choice.

    It’s pathetic that in a nation of 330 million people, we can’t find a good president. Maybe we should increase the salary and offer stock options.

    • Had another person been chosen as VP, the insiders running Biden would have removed him after 2 months in office. However, they got Kamala Haggis who is NOT part of their circle, is not under their control, and is much worse and crazier than anything they imagined. They have no choice but to keep propping up and patching up their failing puppet, and hoping he’ll make it till 2022. They already know they’re going to lose the house and the senate in the midterms, so at that point Haggis can become president, because she’ll have no real power.

      (Yes, I know I misspelled her name. For those who don’t know what haggis is, look it up…)

  7. Chaim July 27, 2021:
    Before criticizing our legitimately elected Commander-in-Chief, go back to school & learn proper English language
    Then, go join Trump & ‘Alice’ in their ‘Wonderland’! Lol.

  8. Ronny Jackson, MD, should know better than to formulate a medical opinion / diagnosis about a patient he (in all probability) had never examined personally.
    And, yet to do so on national TV. Sean Hannity should have cut him off; then & there!

    • That’s okay. MSNBC and CNN were making diagnosis on former President Trump every day during his 4 year term. What goes around comes around.

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