Watch: Rove: Biden ‘Absolutely’ Made Mistake With ‘Gutsy’ Ukraine Trip

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Fox News contributor Karl Rove joined ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss Biden’s Kyiv trip and how war has historically impacted presidential elections.



  1. Every additional day that Joe Biden occupies the White House, the American people are in grave danger. He must be replaced asap.

    • Are you normal? The only white house the actor Biden occupies is in Castle Rock Studios. His “visit” to Ukraine is 100% fake and so is the script and audio. Didn’t you get enough evidence that this so-called Biden is not Obama’s VP? What’s with you and the one below? When will you people wake up already?

  2. Biden is a president. He should not have out placed himself by visiting an active war zone to heighten home anxieties.

    He is trying to play tough guy soup.

    Less than fulfilling honor in office.

    • They fooled the entire world with the manmade scamdemic that no one died from in order to inject everyone with their depopulation vaccines.
      They fooled the entire world with the deadly injections that millions have already died from or got sick for life from for their depopulation goal.
      They fooled the entire world with a fake president, a fake Biden in order to keep the quiet in the world and people here are commenting like idiots.

      There is a story told of Rabbi Yonason Eibeshutz, the chief rabbi of Prague 250 years. The Rabbi and the priest were walking in the street. The Rabbi stopped and stared at the sky in wonder. The priest asked him, “What are you looking for up there?” The Rabbi answered, “I see a partial solar eclipse right now!” The priest was embarrassed to admit that he didn’t see anything of the sort, so he made it seem like he, too, saw something in the sky.

      So now, passersby who saw the Rabbi and the priest standing in the street and looking up at the sky stopped to ask, “What are they looking at?” So the priest told them, “There’s a solar eclipse happening right now!” And so, all the people, one by one, started looking and convincing themselves that they, too, saw something different about the sun today.

      After a huge crowd had built up, all looking up and pointing at the sky, with each person saying to the next, “Look over there! You’ll see it!”, at that point, the Rabbi turned to the priest and said, “The truth is that I didn’t see anything.” The priest replied, “I also didn’t see anything, but I was embarrassed to admit the truth.” So the Rabbi said to him, “You see this huge crowd standing here acting as if it sees something that we both know is false?


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