Satmar: Say Tachanun Today, Yom Ha’atzmaut, No Matter What

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  1. LOL. Since when does Satmar care about what the Israeli government votes to do? Today is ג אייר but the Tziyonim celebrate it as ה אייר . Why would Satmar give chashivus to the Tziyonim’s decision to celebrate ה אייר on ג אייר by Satmar themselves saying Tachnun today. They should keep the commemoration of the Yom Hamar on its correct day.

    • They want to make sure that everyone knows that the Zionist invented holidays are no reason to impact our tefillos. So if the Zionists celebrate it early, then they need to make that message known early as well.

  2. You posted this notice too late. I was the shliach tzibbur this morning and we did NOT say tachnun because today is Reb Shayala from Karisterer’s yortzeit. We made a Lichaim after davening. Very good and expensive Glenfiddich ($400 bottle) Scotch. The cake was so so. Nu nu.
    Zechuso yagen aleinu!

  3. היות שהשנה יש יום העצמאות מוקדם לציונים בא”י, יש מקום יותר להקל לומר תחנון היום, אבל בו ביום בה’ אייר, בשב”ק, ח”ו מלומר

    • I agree with you Reb Yaakov 100% There is only one answer, unfortunately, to each of your questions.
      a) To increase sinas chinam.
      b) Apparently yes.

  4. הלכות תחנון ביום העצמאות מוקדם…
    אם חייבים להתענות וללבוש שק, אם קוראים בתורה בניגון איכא, ואם שורפים את דלג של המדינה ביום ה׳…
    גם יש לקנות כל י״ח כרכים של ספרים קדושים נגד הציונות, הציונים, וכל דבר ציוני שבעולם.
    (בודאי יותר קל מלימוד הגמרא ושו״ע)

  5. It is WELL known that the Great Chazon Ish ztzvk”l, at a BRIS, had the tzibbur SAY tachanun because it was Israel Independance Day and it should not be said he did not say tachanun at that day. Let’s NOT make this into a political or even hashgafic issue to further divide us. ALL Gedolei Yisroel agreed that the state was (and is) not a great development. The only machlokes was after it was established how to deal with it.

    • and yet the establishment of the state preserved Judaism better than the diaspora. how many people marry goyim in the west? now ask yourself how many marry goyim in Israel? without Israel jews wouldn’t have been allowed or had the infrastructure set aside to absorb them in the mandate.

      • The lead-up to, establishment of, and subsequent Zionist actions in, the State of Israel, have heaped massive destruction on Judaism, despite the yeshivos that exist there.

        Zionism and its State are, itself, a literal massive and unprecedented attack on Judaism.

  6. its not just them. stop trying to bad mouth. this was the minhag of the chazon ish and the steipler zt”l, and is the minhag of Reb Chaim shlit”a.

  7. even to them I extend to them Yom ha’Atzmaut Sameach wishes, and we are bubbling with Hakoras HaTov to the Ribbono Shel Olom for having blessed & enriched us with such an amazing gift of Medinas Yisroel

    • IF you would understand what Zionism is, their role in WW II and what they’ve done to Jews and Judaism, you would realize that your post is that which you attribute to the other.

  8. Especially this year, very tragically, the Aveilus that we must have regarding the State of Israel’s independence day is especially intense. For throughout this year with the Covid thing, the Israeli government has repeatedly clamped down onto its population excessive long restrictive lockdowns. These terrible lockdowns absolutely DO NOT in any way lessen the the problem of the Covid disease; on the contrary, all that they do is bring massive ruination — including much worse disease — on people, families, communities, and most of society. Then, it embarked on a severely aggressive drive to heavily coerce everyone in the country to take the gravely dangerous new Covid vaccine, mainly the one from Pfizer which it had bought horrendous quantities of.

    And now, for its “crowning achievement” of Covid abuse, it has enacted the holy, holy, holy “Vaccine Passport”: that in order for a person to be released from stiff Lockdown rules and to be permitted to enter and enjoy most of the public arena, he has to display to the proper officers the large green colored check of the special vaccine verification app that was specially installed on his iPhone. In other words, for a person to be “permitted” to be able to “again” “live,” he must show official proof that he has had himself double injected with the numerous severe poisons and DNA changing mechanisms of these new NOT-TESTED & NOT-FDA-APPROVED vaccine concoctions.

  9. You know its a tree of life. But the adversary knows that the most simple trained civic jew will not wish to look at the Tanakh. Just a bug and a beg. Shave. Let the women run wild with no head cover.

    The world takes photos. They get printed. The show goes on. You choose which your King asked.

    I will listen to Satmar. They make sense.

  10. By Hashem, this is all pony-stick. Judaism forgets its purpose and with no separation, the jew is lost. Of course Hashem has these special milk-coil affairs. The rancid luck his stomach turns is not beauty. The unlucky jew only has darkness his invitation to an eternal bible.

    Torah constructs the eyes we can see. But the nefesh is dangerous. Dare it not mock the wrath of the living. We are helped to stay away.


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