Sawyer: ‘NY Times Attack On Yeshivas Only Creating More Antisemitism In This Country’

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New Jersey Republican Assemblywoman Beth Sawyer is taking a stand against the latest report in the New York Times that alleges New York yeshivas are not teaching the state curriculum, Arutz Sheva reports.

“I have a problem with the public schools pushing these standardized tests on these children because like the rebuttal of the article is saying that the standardized tests are not helping educate these kids, all they’re doing is helping increase the test scores,” Sawyer says from the Israel Heritage Foundation event in New York City, speaking with Arutz Sheva. “They’re not taking that into consideration when they wrote their article.”

“I think that the attack on the yeshivas is only creating more antisemitism in this country and I have a big problem with that,” she added. “…Not all kids are meant to go to college. Everybody has a strength and I feel like in the yeshiva they focus on that just like they do in the vocational schools. …Certain brains work a certain way… There is a big progressive … agenda that’s being pushed on the public schools… I feel like they’re trying to infiltrate the yeshivas and they should stay out, stay in their lane.”



  1. Fine NYT is garbage, but what are you planning to do before the next attack? Are the Chassidish Yeshivah improving now? Or they are waiting for DOE to take over full control?


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