SECRETARY OF SLAY: Pompeo Nukes Schiff, Says He Should Be ‘Nowhere Near’ Classified Info

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During Wednesday’s edition of Fox News’ Outnumbered, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shredded recently-punted Intelligence Committee member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA); Pompeo says Schiff doesn’t belong because he lies.

Schiff is claiming Speaker McCarthy kept him off the committee as a form of political revenge —Pompeo thinks differently.

“When we provided information to him and to his staff, it ended up in places it shouldn’t have been with alarming regularity,” Pompeo explained. “In the end, I decided, I held back information from them as a result.”

From Fox News:

Though it was Pompeo’s responsibility as secretary of state to work with members of the House, he said Schiff’s behavior was “troubling” and didn’t feel comfortable providing information.

Pompeo explained that House members have a responsibility to protect sensitive information and an obligation to keep it in the right places. Schiff, as Pompeo pointed out, chose instead to spread unfounded political talking points.

“I watched the House Intelligence Committee under the leadership of Adam Schiff. I watched him denigrate and lower its ability to actually perform its function. When he was out talking about the Russia hoax, going on to say that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, knowing that it almost certainly was not,” Pompeo said.

“That’s indecent and dangerous, and it affects every American.”



    • The original criminal Schiff was taken care of in 2017 after he and Pelosi planned to assassinate President Trump. The person pictured here is definitely not the original Schiff.


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