SO THEY CLAIM: These Former Presidents Say They Didn’t Take Any Classified Docs

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When former presidents Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush left office, they didn’t take any classified documents with them—at least that’s what representatives for all four told CNN. The clarification comes as classified documents have now been found not only in possession of former President Donald Trump, but President Joe Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence too.

Although none of the former presidents’ representatives said they will be conducting their own searches, spokespeople for Obama, Clinton, and the younger Bush said they made sure to turn in their documents to the National Archives when they were supposed to. Even former vice presidents Dick Cheney, Al Gore, and Dan Quayle confirmed they, too, didn’t take any documents—and neither did 98-year-old former president Jimmy Carter, a source close to the Archives recalled to CNN for good measure. Read more at CNN.


  1. Bill Clinton???! I personally grabbed for my boss thousands of CLASSIFIED documents. I even had to stuff some on my pants.

  2. what’s with the thousands of CLASSIFIED emails on Clinton’s personal computer that was later deleted????

    why was this different than Nixon’s deletion of tapes? and Biden’s open boxes that Hunter & China saw?????

    • Mainstream media makes it sound like their emails and classified documents are the biggest crimes these monsters have committed. How about telling the world the heinous crimes against children the Bidens, Clintons, Pences and other public figures have committed for which they were coronavirused.

      Nixon is another CIA / Cabal parsha after he began to understand how corrupt they are. Like JFK, he began making plans to get rid of the CIA. These Cabals were well aware of his plans and had the White House bugged and fill the staff with spies. They assassinated JFK and set off a booby trap in the form of the Watergate coup that pulled Nixon down.

  3. Mainstream media makes it sound like their emails and classified documents are the biggest crimes these monsters have committed. How about telling the world the heinous crimes against children the Bidens, Clintons, Pences and other public figures have committed for which they were coronavirused.


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