Sen. Rand Paul: Hatred Of Trump Preventing Potential COVID Drug Research

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Sen. Rand Paul told constituents Friday that hatred of former President Donald Trump has kept researchers from investigating the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin and other drugs to treat COVID-19, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

The Kentucky Republican spoke to 60 people in Cold Spring, Ky., The Enquirer reported.

“The hatred for Trump deranged these people so much, that they’re unwilling to objectively study it,” Paul said. “So someone like me that’s in the middle on it, I can’t tell you because they will not study ivermectin. They will not study hydroxychloroquine without the taint of their hatred for Donald Trump.”

The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control have warned people against taking ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasitic worm infections in livestock.

“You are not a horse,” the FDA tweeted Aug. 21. “You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. “The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control have warned people against taking ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasitic worm infections in livestock.

    “You are not a horse,” the FDA tweeted Aug. 21. “You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.””

    That’s interesting. They’re telling everyone to not take the *human* version of this drug because “you’re not a horse”?

  2. Paul is a meshugena who is even untrusted by fellow Republicans. Only looking for a good soundbite. His anti-central bank rhetoric has been traditionally used as code for anti Jewish sentiment.

  3. Paul is a meshugena who is even untrusted by fellow Republicans. Only looking for a good soundbite. His anti-central bank rhetoric has been traditionally used as code for anti Jewish sentiment.

  4. Well, this can explain why every study that showed that HCQ does not work, ALL excluded/omitted the necessary Zinc. Or they conducted the studies when the patients were in later-stage illness (way past the initial 3 – 7 days).

    And frequently they committed both errors.

    Anybody can see this for themselves. Just google around for Hydroxy studies.
    It almost seems like those studies/trials were purposely set up to fail…


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