Senator Graham: UNRWA Is Dead To The United States

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US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made a resounding declaration on Wednesday, asserting that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is “dead to the Congress” and “dead to the United States.”

During his visit to Israel, Graham articulated, “For decades now, Palestinian children have been taught through UNRWA and other agencies to kill all the Jews. Somebody needs to pull the Palestinian school system up by its roots and destroy it.”

He emphasized that the US has firmly decided against reinstating its financial support to UNRWA.

“To both the United States and Israel, UNRWA is defunct. It needs to be replaced in terms of healthcare, food aid, and educational provisions,” Graham affirmed.

“UNRWA as an organization is dead to the United States and the people of Israel. It must be replaced in terms of health care, basic necessities like food, as well as education,” Graham stated.

In January, the US and several other nations opted to temporarily halt their contributions to UNRWA following reports that 12 UNRWA personnel were involved in the October 7 attack orchestrated by Hamas.

A recent accord struck among US congressional leaders and the White House ensures the continuation of the US funding freeze for UNRWA until March 2025.

In his remarks, Graham vehemently dismissed allegations that Israel is deliberately depriving Gazans of basic necessities, stating, “You’re talking about an accusation that is just a blood libel.”

Additionally, Graham disclosed his intention to present a Congressional resolution upon his return to Washington, stipulating that any significant assault by Hezbollah against Israel should be deemed an act of aggression by Iran against the Israeli state.



  1. “Additionally, Graham disclosed his intention to present a Congressional resolution upon his return to Washington, stipulating that any significant assault by Hezbollah against Israel should be deemed an act of aggression by Iran against the Israeli state.”

    Thank you, Matzav.

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