Senator Warren Urges Amazon Breakup After Story Reveals Copies, Rigged Results

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Senator Elizabeth Warren called for breaking up Inc and Indian retailers demanded a government probe of the company after a Reuters investigation showed the e-commerce giant had copied products and rigged search results in India.

The Reuters report reviewing thousands of internal Amazon documents, found that the U.S. company ran a systematic campaign of creating knockoffs and manipulating search results to boost its own private brands in India, one of the company’s largest growth markets.

Wednesday’s report showed that, at least in India, manipulating search results to favor Amazon’s products, as well as copying other sellers’ goods, were part of a formal strategy at Amazon – and that at least two senior executives had reviewed it.

The Reuters investigation drew bipartisan criticism of Amazon from U.S. lawmakers.

Linking to the story on Twitter and Facebook, Warren, a long-time critic of Amazon, said “these documents show what we feared about Amazon’s monopoly power — that the company is willing and able to rig its platform to benefit its bottom line while stiffing small businesses and entrepreneurs.”

“This is one of the many reasons we need to break it up,” she said.

Warren, a prominent Democrat, advocated the breakup of Amazon and other tech giants in 2019 when she was running for president. Since then, as a senator from Massachusetts, she has continued to apply pressure on companies like Amazon.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. And then Amazon in seller central has the fall to poll sellers asking “do u agree that Amazon is genuinely concerned with the growth of your business”
    These companies are so full of themselves. what a crock of gahrbaje! Also how could they be concerned with the growth of a business owned by a total stranger anyway


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