SHOCKING: Boro Park Day Camp Breaks Out Color War By Faking Building Collapse

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In a shocking display of insensitivity, a day camp in Boro Park broke out color war by faking a building collapse, reminiscent of the horrific and tragic Surfside condominium building collapse that killed dozens of Yidden and many non-Jews.

According to reports, “emergency teams” were brought to the building in which the camp is located to “rescue” people who had supposedly become trapped after part of the building collapsed.

Camp directors then broke the news – that it was all just a “joke” – a way for them to break out color war.

“I am beyond speechless,” a Boro Park resident said after hearing the details. “How anyone could sink so low as to think this is an appropriate way to announce color war, with zero regard for the victims of this tragedy and their families, is utterly beyond me.”

Video courtesy of BoroPark24.




  1. Why report this? This would have been a quiet thing right or wrong. Why blow it out of proportion? What is the gain? Stop being a tabloid.

    • how about stop hiding everything. if they didn’t want to be criticized they should not have done something idiotic. a minimum of two brain cells rubbed together would have seen a problem with this. but lo and behold. eh…

      • This is merely a bad decision by one camp. No need to turn it into a public session of moral outrage where yidden just bash each other. During the 9 days no less.

  2. It must be that the breakout was that they made up that a camp did this/. get it? Cause it cant be real its so crazy

  3. I almost never go out of my way to comment, but this is completely disgusting and almost unbelievable! I think the camp would do good by making a public apology. What kind of example is this for the children! There were dozens of yidden, frum yidden who lost their lives and we haven’t even buried them all?!??

  4. Disgusting while people’s bodies were being buried from the Florida tragedy And color war during the 9 days is something new

  5. Shhhhh.
    Nobody should tell the families and friends of the Surfside victims about this.

    There’s a very good chance that they’ll never hear about this foolishness.
    And if they never find out, then no harm done.

    When i was a kid, one year the color-war breakout was a boy (a good swimmer) pretended he drowned.
    Perhaps that was insensitive to all the relatives of drowning victims.

    Another year (1976) the breakout was based on a “report” that the Son-Of-Sam killer was spotted in the area (in the Catskills!).
    I suppose that was insensitive to the friends and families of David Berkowitz’s victims.

  6. Indeed this is very shocking. It is totally unimaginable that ANYONE, let alone a Yid would come up with such an idiotic and insensitive idea. It is one thing is one person has no SECHEL but where are the others with whom he works??? No heart and no SECHEL and what a terrible example to set for the children of the camp. What kind of CHINUCH is this??? Not to mention a CHILUL HASHEM.

  7. What are you talking about. I watched the video. There is absolutely no indication of them claiming that any building fell down or was falling down. All the ignoramuses who fell hook line and sinker for this lie and commented their “shock and horror”, are really so stupid and gullible.

  8. As for ‘insensitivity,’ the degree of criminal stupidity here is that they did not rise to the level of being insensitive. Whoever thought this up and whoever carried this out are truly clueless.

  9. Many of the commenters were on the mark. Publicizing this foolishness is even more insensitive than the incident itself.
    Especially now in the 9 days, this highlights how lacking we are in nosei ol im chaveiro and how important it is for us to focus on it.

  10. “ “How anyone could sink so low as to think this is an appropriate way” News Flash to Boro Park – this is the hourly experience of out of towners when spending a day in BP. The real story here is how BP residents can recognize what’s wrong here but completely miss it the other 99 times when it’s only marginally less blatant.

  11. To yiddine
    Whete did you learn that a (presumed) chilul Hashem wipes out a kiddush Hashem…and two separate non related incidents?!?! Do you think the One above needs ur help?!?!

  12. Speechless, words can’t describe the insensitivity for others!!
    We have lost precious jews in Florida, unfortunately some not yet found R”L.
    There wasn’t anything else they can think of for a colorway breakout than this??
    I think they should come out with a full apology to the community, to the world at large. For their stupidity & act of abnormal lesson for kids

  13. Are breakouts such a great idea in general? It doesn’t matter how long these have been going on. They’re just another way to copy the non-Jews.

  14. To anonymous who said this must be made up: Seriously?? Why would anyone make up a story like this.
    To Not so fast (who is obviously not too quick): Fake? Again, why would anyone make this up?
    And Lastly, to Shoin who is “no mekabel”: You are an am haaretz. plain and simple.
    The fact that anyone can make light of a tragedy and anyone who seems to think its a joke, or fake, etc,
    you should all be ashamed of yourselves. For a group of people who do so much chesed, some of them can be
    quite ignorant and insensitive.

  15. Come on everyone chill out. So some teenage counselor wasn’t as thoughtful as you think he should? Is it a problem when kids everywhere play Hatzalah? Or when cute little Yerushalmi kids go around on their bikes announcing fake levayas on “loudspeakers”? Seriously calm down and stop making news out of an adolescent’s “insensitivity”
    (and by the way, we shouldn’t call it “color war”, “war” is actually very dangerous and an insensitive term to those who have lost loved ones in battle)

  16. of all the foolish people that are commenting, how many of you know really, tap the bottom, 100% without any questions, what really happened? The answer is probably none.

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