SHAMEFUL: New York Times Tweet: “Israeli Defense Ministry’s Research-And-Development Arm Best Known for Pioneering Cutting-Edge Ways to Kill People and Blow Things Up….”‬

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  1. Shameful.
    Hit the NYT where it hurts most: in their pocketbooks.
    Email their advertisers that they are supporting a racist & bigoted outfit.
    Email the biggest clients of their advertisers to have them stop their ads.
    Learn from BDS how to do it, and refine the techniques.

  2. This is the fancy way of saying “Left-Wing Goyim don’t like us!”. They are ugly and despicable animals! These are the same people who claim that a fetus is not a life form! They claim gender is subjective. They have destroyed our schools, our children, and our culture. They are a cancer to the world!

  3. Sometimes I feel that the NY Times is the Jewish arm of the Nazi Party. During the Holocaust they buried stories of the genocide that was occurring and seventy-five years later that mindset hasn’t changed. What a vile group of Jew-hating individuals (who – sadly – are themselves Jewish).

  4. Should read “Best Known for Pioneering Cutting-Edge Ways to protect people from vicious terrorists who Kill People and Blow Things Up….”

    • When I lived in Monsey, NY and went jogging in the morning, I could see NYTimes newspaper on the driveways of many houses of heimische Yidden. They legitimize this anti-Semitic rag.

  5. Why is this shameful? That’s what they do- they search for ways to kill Israel’s enemies, and they are really good at it. Now they are trying to save lives.

  6. It’s brought down that in the dor haflaga, many of the people were turned into animals –
    Exhibit A: New York Times

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