SING, BROTHERS, SING: Left Wing Media Shocked As Soldiers Sing Ani Maamin

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At the end of the beret distribution ceremony in the armored corps, IDF soldiers stood up to sing the famous Hebrew song ‘Ani Ma’amin’ (I believe).’ The song, based on one of Maimonides’ Thirteen articles of faith, speaks of the singer’s belief in the coming of the messiah and is extremely popular across the Orthodox Jewish world..

Haaretz journalist Nir Gontarz, who saw a recording of the soldiers’ singing, asked for the IDF’s response to the incident and wrote on his Twitter account: “The IDF is gradually becoming the ‘army of G-d’ of literal Messianic Jews.”

An IDF spokesman said: “A number of soldiers wanted to sing the song. It should be noted that the song is not included in the stage book, however, the Sergeant Major responded to the soldiers’ request to sing the song at the end of the ceremony. No soldier was required to sing the song.”

The Torat Lechima organization said: “The religious and traditional soldiers asked to sing ‘I believe’ at the end of the ceremony, and received permission from the commander. Haaretz newspaper response: Save us, they are Messianic Jews and the army of G-d. When religious people do not enlist, the left shouts ‘equality of burden.’ When they do enlist, the left shouts ‘religionization.; Because the radical left hates nationalism and hates Judaism. In this case, it comes together.”

Read more at Arutz Sheva.



  1. Whether accompanied by Torah and Mitzvos or not, Zionism is kefirah and A”Z.

    Whether or not these soldiers are messianic (for our Mashiach, presumably), one thing is certain: the heretical Zionist army, that profanes and desecrates Hashem’s Name and His Torah in so many severe ways, is definitely NOT the “Army of G-d”.

    • Dear 11:05, personally I am not a Zionist, but how is Zionism, specifically the kipa sruga type, a kefira and an avoida zora?! You need to have solid halachik sources for an allegation such as yours. The best you can do is to quote the Satmar Ruv, but with all due respect he was a daas yochid on the issue. So, please take a deep breath, avoid screaming at passerbys, and learn the actual halachik definitions of kefira and avoida zora.

      • He was FAR from a daas yochid. Prior to the formation of the State, his shita was accepted by almost all Gedolei Yisroel. Even after the State was a foregone conclusion, the only real disagreement was how to deal with the State, not whether it was a good idea or one that was condoned by Torah sources.

  2. The same Left worldwide that hate G-d and His Torah and anything that stands for upright and moral. In Israel they boo soldiers who sing Ani Maamin and hate chareidim, and in the US they disrespect the National Anthem and boo President Trump when he mentions G-d.

  3. “Left Wing Media Shocked As Soldiers Sing Ani Maamin”.
    The Left Wing media couldn’t BELIEVE the soldiers were singing, “I BELIEVE”?
    When the Left Wing media saw the soldiers singing “I BELIEVE”, they exclaimed in shock, “That’s UNBELIVABLE! I can’t believe it!!!”

  4. Bottom line is Israel exist because that is what HKBH wants . We dont go along with non torah ideaology but to publicly in every opportunity to poke the eyes of the ‘zionist’ government accomplishes nothing.

    Many current gedolim are against the continued ‘poking’ of the zionists government. Maybe gedolim were for nachal chareidi and working with the current government…like a mentch unfortunately the radical right wingers cant handle being mentchlich….

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