SLASHED: Lieberman Planning Budget Cuts for Chareidim

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i24 News – As Israel’s ruling coalition falters, Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman is reportedly considering new budget cuts targeting the chareidi community.

According to Channel 12, Lieberman – a longtime enemy of the ultra-Orthodox parties who has been vocal about his desire to bring about change in the community – is planning a series of measures if the government fails to pass the 2023 state budget before new elections are called.

The channel reports that Lieberman is seeking to promote three new measures: cutting the budget for yeshiva  studies by one-third – from $360 million to $240 million – funding the chareidi private school system at 75 percent instead of 100 percent, and allocating benefits such as childcare subsidies, rental assistance and property tax reductions only to those who earn a certain level of income, which would exclude those who study Torah full-time.

Initially, Lieberman had proposed a plan whereby, starting in 2023, childcare subsidies would only be granted if parents work at least 24 hours a week. This would have ended childcare subsidies for some 21,000 children, many of whom come from ultra-Orthodox families in which the father studies at yeshiva.

The opposition Religious Zionism party reacted to Channel 12’s revelations, calling Lieberman’s alleged goals “racist.”

“Lieberman’s racist decrees will not pass, because this government will not survive to pass them,” the far-right group said.


  1. The less Torah the Zionists support, the less time their heretical and idolatrous movement and State will continue.

  2. Lieberman, think, your time is nearly up and have you ever thought about the fact you will have to meet with Hashem ? How are you going to answer Him when you get asked, what did you do to the Charadim. Try then answering by saying you punished them with all sorts of nasties, when you could have helped them. Any answer you give will not satisfy Hashem because you didn’t do this out of good “L’shem Shamayim” but out of hatred for the religious. Lieberman, it isn’t to late to change your wrongdoings before you won’t be able too. Then it will be to late. Change now. KEEP SHABBOS. KEEP KUSHRUT. PUT ON TEFILEN AND LEAVE THE CHARADIM ALONE.

  3. A workaround….let the kollel “pay” the avreich (he can then donate the money back to the kollel) and then he can be considered working

    • Unfortunately, the avoda zara of a Jew can never become bateil. As well, the gedolim who ruled on the great prohibitions of them joining the heretical parliament, as in Rav Reuven Grozovsky and, of course, the Satmar Rav, are no longer among us (except their Torah, which will always be around).

  4. A lot easier to blame Lieberman than to blame our chareidi selfs. The sinas chinam among the chareidim (in times of peace) is abhorrent

  5. Yeah , all these years the Zionist government supported the yeshivos & kollels , and you Israel haters still bashed the medina. Go to work .

  6. To you self-righteous types with the “go to work” snugness, there are always the poor.I’d rather my tax dollars would go to feeding a large charedi family that lives simply and serves Hashem, than my taxes in America going to support a large underclass that spends their lives either watching television or goes out stealing,murdering raping,or dealing drugs!

  7. You’re right , Mom. Now please tell the Americans to stop building fancy homes in a strange land and live simply in Eretz Yisrael.

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