Snaps Restaurant Holds First Boys-Free Thursday Night

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Snaps, a restaurant in Lakewood, NJ, followed through last night on its announcement to prevent bochurim under the age of 17 from dining in at the store on Thursday nights.

The store, located in the West Gate Plaza shopping center in West Gate, arranged for a police patrol vehicle and police officer to be stationed at the store.

After the tumult sparked by the store’s announcement, as first reported on yesterday, youngsters gathered outside the store all evening last night, while a police officer shooed them away. It is common for youngsters on bikes and scooters to frequent the shopping center.

As reported yesterday, the store, owned by Mr. Yussi Weisz, says that it made the decision to stop bochurim from sitting down on Thursday nights after some boys acted inappropriately while in the establishment, especially on Thursday evenings, when the crowds are generally larger in the lead-up to Erev Shabbos.

The store allows boys to enter the store Thursday nights if accompanied by an adult.




  1. Accompanied by an adult? Can anyone define adult? Isn’t bar mitzvah age and over considered an adult for onesh? Derech Eretz kadma l’Torah, anyone teach that?

  2. No middos , no derech eretz being taught by parents or yeshivos. All chutzpah . I’m in the field and I know.

  3. Kol HaKavod, Yossi.!!!
    It’s his store, he can do what he wants.
    If you don’t like it, go to another store, or open your own store.
    When it will be your daughters, sisters, or even granddaughters being spoken to and being acted to inappropriately, let’s see what you say then.

  4. Cops security for hire? First time I’ve heard of this! There must be way more to this story than reported. This banning teenagers must have been a request by the lwpd. If yes, then kudos to the store owner for keeping his mouth shut and trying to stay clear of slandering our whole community for the actions of a few (that’s what the haters would do).

  5. Most troubling about the photos and videos are the electric scooters. They are so dangerous, both for the rider and the passerbys. The scooters have got to be banned. No helmets. No security. No exercise. No nothing. Don’t worry about getting into restaurants. Worry about kids killing themselves and others with their scooters.

  6. You make it sound like Yussi is in the wrong.
    Look at these neshomos looking for something to do in their free time. If not for the cop standing there, who knows what they would’ve done to have some fun and excitement.
    Hey Dad’s – connect with your sons – Go have a cholent at Snaps – better than them looking for fun.
    Leave Yussi alone. He’s just trying to make parnossoh. Why are you bashing him.
    BTW. I was there last night and I saw several choshuv boys (hat and jacket) sitting and enjoying a meal. They were very nice and aidel. They actually went over to Yussi to say how good the food was.
    Boruch Hashem It’s Shabbos

  7. No one knows the amount & extent of the Chesed that Yossi Weisz does!
    He does it quietly, personally, without fanfare, and for all types.
    He has the biggest heart!
    If it got to a point where he had to ask young boys not to eat in his restaurant, then it must have been a VERY BAD situation.
    To then vilify him for trying to keep his restaurant in one piece and not lose his Parnassa is unconscionable.
    All I can say is that more people should be frequenting his restaurant – for the yummy food and to see for real what actually goes on.

  8. Shame on the store
    Shame on the commenters here
    Shame on those who don’t realize that these kids need outlets
    Shame on our system
    This decision will come back to haunt the store. These types of things never work in the long term
    Our bochurim are hounded enough. This is actually a disgusting despicable rule
    I wonder if the owner would have a son if he’d throw him out on his head too.
    What an embarrasment.
    Boo hoo. You can’t handle some boys in the store? What are you, babies? So their money is good enough for you, but they can’t stay?
    Everyone should boycott the store. Better yet, bochurim should converge on the store. May the owner throw them out! Let’s see him do it!
    Sick. Sick Sick.
    If they had some rowdy boys, call the cops and settle it. But don’t make a dumbe BAN like this. What a shandeh.
    I will never patronize this store again. And I will encourage others to do the same until they change this sick “rule.”
    What babies.

    • You sound like the teenage punks he doesn’t want in his store. Get a life, or better learn how to behave in public.

    • What shame on the store!!??? He has to allow his store to be destroyed??? He has to.allow his store to become a hangout!??!! If the kids need an outlet, they can go to a free park. Or YOU BIG MOUTH open a hangout for them!

    • It’s not a private stores obligation to babysit anyone’s kids. The parents can always give them a smartphone and then they can leave comments here and other places. I know it doesn’t fit the narrative in that town, but it would definitely keep these kids occupied for hours.

  9. Lakewood boys need some type of outlet instead of going for cholent. We to open a place we’re they can play some ball, ping pong, Etc. Back in my days, my Yeshiva open there gym at night and Sunday afternoon. No one went off.

  10. Mr. “Seriously”
    You sound like one of the very serious troublemaker kids. Please get a life. Or just learn a little mussar. Your attitude against a fine gentleman a baal chesed is not very nice. You realize that Yussi runs day and night, Shabbos and Yomtov saving kids like you and worst 24/7.
    Shabbat Shalom.

  11. Great Job Yussi!
    I happen to know Yussi and he is always ready to stop drop and roll for someone else.And Mr.Seriously apparently you were never there on a Thursday night, it really is sad that these boys have nothing to do other than harass customers (and yussi).And by the way, this wasn’t a Boys Free Thursday Night, they actually gave out FREE cholent to father that came with their son.
    I wish him much Hatzlacha

  12. @reb yid disgusting :[Reb Yid June 17, 2022 at 12:58 pm
    Finally someone who puts principles over profits]
    think of the bohrium .ok i get it its annoying .but grow up .you cant deal with them for 1 night a week common-sense takeout stores = bochrim
    ice cream parlors = teenage girls
    may Hashem help all you sick people

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