Socialist Ocasio-Cortez Becomes Youngest Woman In Congress

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can officially start packing her bags for Washington.

The 29-year-old ran on a Democratic-Socialist platform. Ocasio-Cortez, whose parents are Puerto Rican, has called for abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Medicare-for-all and a federal jobs guarantee, as well as a crack down on Wall Street.

Ocasio-Cortez’s ultra-progressive agenda has caught on in a district that is 75 percent nonwhite, according to U.S. Census data.

Read more at ABC News.



  1. She unseated the well respected 4th ranked member of her own party, bringing her totally unqualified self, and her utopian socialist ideology to the House. If an embarrassment is considered winning, then the Democrats won, with her election.

  2. Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite.
    Every nation gets the government it deserves.

    Joseph de Maistre, 1 April 1753 – 26 February 1821

  3. Perfect. She represents a district that looks like a 3rd world country. They deserve each other. Maybe Jim Acosta of CNN can move there.

  4. So now three anti-Semitic Democrat women are in the Congress. And the hypocritical liberal Jews rant and rave about Trump being an anti-semite.

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