Statement of Passaic-Clifton Kashrus Regarding Jin Restaurant

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The mashgichim at Jin restaurant, located at 227 Main Avenue in Passaic, recently raised questions regarding certain procedures at the restaurant.  PCK has determined that these matters merit investigation and, effective January 8, 2018, suspended its supervision of the restaurant pending completion of the investigation, which is being undertaken in consultation with leading kashrus and other experts.  At this time, PCK has not concluded that any non-kosher food entered the establishment.

PCK is committed to maintaining the highest standards of kashrus in the Passaic-Clifton community.  Following completion of its investigation, PCK intends to report on the results of the investigation as well as any policy changes that may be put in place to prevent similar situations from arising in the future.



  1. #1, get your facts straight. It is partially owned by Goyim and partially owned by Yidden

    And besides the point, the majority of OU hashgacha is on products from Companies that are owned by Goyim

    And FYI the Monsey meat scandal was on a Jewish owned establishment

    • Don’t you know only goyim do bad things, when we bring traif into a kosher store, we have a chezkas kashrus. but any goy is not trustworthy. Why even when we get caught with millions in fraud we are the victim and it is the goyim who were wrong.

  2. There was an issur issued by most prominent American Rabonim around 70 years ago against giving a hechsher to a meat slaughterhouse etc. owned by Non-Jews. I don’t remember if it applied to restaurants but at this stage it appears it should.
    I know the Monsey story was a Yid but if you speak to any Kashrus professional they will tell many stories of this or similar nature with Non-Jewish owned establishments.

  3. I hate to break the news that Jewish owned restaurants kitchens employ many non-Jews. It is for that reason that some Rabonim advise against eating out at any kosher and supervised restaurant. Things go on in the kitchen that make food treif and it will never be kept to the level of kashrus standard of your own kitchen. Like it or not that’s the truth on the ground.

  4. Part of the problem is that the owners don’t pay for a Mashgiach to just sit and watch them and do nothing else. They have them working behind the counter, taking orders, shlepping cases of soda to the basement, and doing all the work of a regular worker but not chalilah entering the kitchen to simply watch what the goyishe cooks are doing or not doing. I have seen this with my own eyes and it always bothers me. Now this policy has come and bit JIN and the PCK in the rear.

  5. I wonder how long this investigation will take before the PCK decides on how to word the statement that could/should have been issued by now.

  6. “PCK has determined that these matters merit investigation and, effective January 8, 2018, suspended its supervision of the restaurant pending completion of the investigation, which is being undertaken in consultation with leading kashrus and other experts. At this time, PCK has not concluded that any non-kosher food entered the establishment.”

    It is now Friday, Erev Shabbos, 2:30 pm. Have any of the Rabbonim in Passaic made further comments or statements on the matter?

  7. If you want to really be certain you eat only kosher, it is better not to eat out and cook your food yourself (of course you have to buy from a reliable shechita also).

  8. Harvey Stonehead,

    The PCK NEVER NEVER NEVER said such a thing. Why do you feel the need to come out of here in lie like that? In the words of Ralph Kramden, “You are a blabbermouth!!!!”


    David Simon,

    Do you even live in Passaic or Clifton? Or are you just a a rabble-rouser troublemaker? I’m sorry, I have to ask this question.

    It would be very easy for them to come out with an answer, the only problem is they don’t know the answer it which is why it is being investigated. We live in a modern day of communication where we all look at our phones and expect to see the answers to man’s greatest questions. In this case, it might be a question, but you have to know that they are researching it and there is a lot of research that is going into it. It’s a lesson in life, not to jump to conclusions, and to look into the situation to see what went wrong, if something went wrong, and what we can do to make sure the same thing or concern doesn’t arise.

    I promise you if there’s anything for you to know, you’ll know it. The question is if you’ll actually believe it.

  9. this is so sad! it’s legit one of my favorite restaurants!!! they make the best hot and sour soup ever! I really hope everything will be ok in the end!

  10. The lack of a clear statement from the PCK Rabbis to the Passaic-Clifton community is a clear indication that either (1) they can’t explain what really happened, (2) they are trying to cover up something that they missed, or (3) both of the above. The community demands a response.

  11. Sandy,

    I would urge you to take some prozac to help you maintain some semblance of normalcy. Would you rather they come out with the truth or what YOU want to hear?

    Personally, I’d rather hear THE TRUTH. There have been indications that they’re having professionals go thru records, which is what could be taking the time.

    What will you do if you’re told to was all gurnisht mit gurnisht, a hoax perpetrated by a few people who might have to answer after 120 years.

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