Stock Market Closed Today, June 19, for First Time Ever for Newly-Invented “Junteenth” Holiday

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This weekend is a stretch for the day trailers and investors of the US Stock market. A federal holiday, Juneteeth, which was observed on Sunday, has an official holiday today, Monday, and due to this, the US stock market is closed, Economic Times reports.

Juneteenth, also called Black Independence Day, Emancipation Day, and Jubilee Day, is being observed for the first time in US history. It marks the end of slavery in America. Last year, the New York Stock Exchange said that it may adopt Juneteenth as a holiday.

As the name suggests, Juneteenth signifies the date June 19 of the year 1865. The date holds importance in the history of the US, majorly because the last enslaved people in Texas were released free upon the order of Major General Gordon Granger. The date is two months after the Civil War ended and about two and a half years after Emancipation Proclamation was issued by the then President Abraham Lincoln to free the people enslaved in the Confederacy. Although slavery did not lose its mark in some parts of America, the thirteenth amendment of the US Constitution implemented a ban on slavery in December 1865.

Last year on June 17, President Joe Biden signed the day Juneteenth into the US law, marking its status the same as that of memorial Day, Veterans Day, and other federal holidays.


  1. We can begin by saying cold vague is this new holiday.

    June 19th is also the day that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in 1953.

    With too many federal holidays, commerce is hit. This is bad economically and should be the first thing a republican abolishes.

    Haste to pass, it is a miss-creed.

  2. “As the name suggests, Juneteenth signifies the date June 19 of the year 1865.”

    How does the name “Juneteenth” suggest June 19th? And how in heck does it suggest the year 1865?

    The name Juneteenth is as racist as it gets. It is as racist as suggesting that one race or group of human beings is less capable or less bright than other groups or races. It’s like an announcement that the people for whom this holiday is celebrated are largely incapable of pronouncing the name of the holiday correctly. Or are too lazy to be bothered to do so.

    But in the minds of the woke, the opposite is true. It is racist for all groups to correctly pronounce the name of the holiday, since one group can’t or won’t (or shouldn’t be forced or expected to). Just like, as they posit, it is racist to expect any and all students to perform satisfactorily in Math, since one group cannot or will not (or should not be made to) do so.

    And whom do we have to thank for this racist holiday? The chief racist in America, Joe Biden. The same guy who famously said as candidate for the presidency, “If you ain’t voting for me, you ain’t black!” He also said something to the effect that “poor people are just as smart as white people.”

    So now we advertise our racist leanings from the rooftops. And this is, by the way, one of the least problematic situations brought on by the left in the United States today. How wonderful…


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