Babies born to moms with COVID-19 should be watched for long-term effects, according to a study published last month by Cell Today.
As of now, it is unknown how babies exposed to COVID-19 during pregnancy will be affected compared to babies born without exposure, Dr. Andrea Edlow, a maternal-medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, told USA Today.
But, she adds, babies are rarely born infected with the disease.
The study summarized that mothers affected by COVID-19 during pregnancy “show increased inflammation” with “rewiring in both mothers and neonates [or infants in otherwords], and a “long-term clinical follow-up to mitigate potential health risks” is advised.
“Our intent is not to scare people, just to make them aware that (these children) should be followed over time. There’s definite evidence that maternal immune activation in pregnancy could be associated with neurodevelopmental or psychiatric problems later in life,” said Dr. Karin Nielsen-Saines, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who helped author the study.
Read more at NEWSMAX.
Fear mongering
What this report leaves out is the dangers of child bearing (and any age) women taking the vaccines. It has been proven that the vaccines interfere with their menstrual cycle causing many complications and hardships. You can bury your head in the sand and deny deny deny. But the reality is many shailos are coming in to Rabbonim.
UK Funeral Director: 10 Times More Dead Babies from vaxed mothers
Took the J and J vaccine and no issues with my cycle. BH expecting. So stop fearmongering!
PRAY with all your heart 36 hours a day you shouldn’t miscarry and your baby should be born normal. I’d advise you not to look at pictures of babies born from dumb mothers took the shot.
May I ask why you took it if you know it’s not a cure, not a prevention of anything and not made to keep anyone healthy, if anything, just the opposite?
My daughter got the virus and BH, gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl this week. She refused the horrid mRNA vaccine, the DTAP, Hep B, and the flu vaccine during her pregnancy. BH the nurses did not push her and make her feel guilty for refusing. Just say no.
Immune Activation??? That’s exactly what vaccines are supposed to do!