The suspect accused of plowing his SUV through a Wisconsin holiday parade last month, killing six people and injuring dozens of others, thinks people haven’t been very nice to him since the horrific incident. Darrell Brooks Jr. gave a very brief interview to Fox News from the Waukesha County Jail two weeks after he allegedly drove his vehicle into the parade in Waukesha on Nov. 21. The suspect reportedly told two Fox journalists that they were the first people to visit him since he was detained.
“I just feel like I’m being monster—demonized,” Brooks, 39, reportedly said during the video visit. The report states Brooks was “calm, lucid” during the short interview, but he stood up and ended the chat when the reporters told him that his mother had released a statement on his mental health earlier that day. According to Fox, the reporters overheard a sound that “may have been sobbing” before the interview came to an abrupt end. Read more at Fox News.
He already is a demon
Being demonized?
He is a demon! No demonizing needed here.
Nebach. Poor guy.
It’s a shame a guy who was so super makpid on Shemiras Haloshon and every other Mitzvah of Bein Adam L’Chavorey should now find himself facing such vicious enemies. Just amazing how people will ruin someone’s life over a ten minute drive he did.
This bothers him even more than the knowledge that he is a mass murderer bothers him.
This is one of the talking points his defense team told him to push. This illegal maneuver is meant to bias any potential juror.
Why is Matzav falling for the msnbc trap and posting a picture of this black murderer, with the whitest face they can find? Are you trying to cover up the fact that this murderous thug is a black? Is Matzav that biased and PC? Shame.