Taxi And Limousine Commission Release Chesed Volunteer’s Car; Calls Incident ‘Unfortunate’

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 Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) was pleased to announce swift action by New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission after he brought their attention to the shoddy treatment of a local charity volunteer at the hands an over-zealous TLC agent. Yeshaya Liebowitz, a volunteer driver for the organization Chesed-which takes local residents to and from hospitals at no cost and relies upon volunteer drivers-was transporting two Brooklyn women to separate hospitals, one for cancer treatment, when he was stopped by an agent of the TLC and, despite his explanation that no fees had been charged, his passengers were made to exit his vehicle and his car was impounded.

“I spoke with the deputy at the Taxi and Limousine Commission who acknowledged that this incident was unfortunate,” announced Assemblyman Hikind. “Not only is the agency acting quickly and releasing Mr. Liebowitz’s car, they have also set a meeting at my office to work out a system so these types of unfortunate incidents do not reoccur.”

“Chesed is an excellent organization,” added Assemblyman Hikind. “They do amazing work and are manned by volunteers whose only goal is to get elderly or otherwise infirmed people to and from hospitals and doctors’ appointment.

“I am pleased with how quickly the Taxi and Limousine Commission responded to my call to correct this incident.”

{ Newscenter}


  1. This is all a fallout from the Bl$$mberg administrations “GOTCHA” policy, which means, hit the poor dumb gullible taxpayer with every fee you can get out of them!

  2. #1,

    Actually, it is the DeBlasio administrations policies. The TLC busts only began in January, AFTER DeBlasio took office. So too, with all parking tickets. They have more than doubled for the same time period last year.

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