Notice how the Mayor always picks on the communities that don’t have as big a problem as the rest of the city? Picks on people who want to go back to school/learning as opposed to doing nothing? He has to show he is doing his job with law-abiding citizens meaning we don’t rob, kill or do drugs.
Ted Cruz keep your nose in Texas politics. Your comments are not helpful at all. The mayor, in this case, is 1000% correct. These people who opened this school are reshaim (evil people). They claim that the Torah that they learn is protection. They claim the world exists on these children’s Torah learning. Their learning is abhorrent and repulsive. whether you agree with the mayor or governor or not right now school’s are shuttered. By these idiots opening their school is exactly the ammunition non jews and sadly those who look down at chasidim are waiting for. This is a tremendous chilul Hashem. Secondly, askanim are working behind the scenes to help frum yidden. Who knows how much damage this caused.
They claim?? How about the Torah claims… The Askonim working “behind the scenes” are the cause of the problem itself. Maybe they should come out from behind the scenes to actually help the Yidden in need instead of worrying about their personal Kavod and agendas.
I was referring specifically to the reasoning behind why these people feel they have a right to do something illegal, be oiver at least a safek pekuach nefesh and make a chiliul Hashem. In this context, I wrote, They claim the world exists on these children’s Torah learning.
“They claim that the Torah that they learn is protection. They claim the world exists on these children’s Torah learning”
You proudly write apikorsus and you call yourself AH YID??
I was referring specifically to the reasoning behind why these people feel they have a right to do something illegal, be oiver at least a safek pekuach nefesh and make a chiliul Hashem. In this context, I wrote, They claim the world exists on these children’s Torah learning.
You are so out of line it’s not even worth commenting. Go back to sleep. Almost kefira. I’m surprised matzav let your comment through. You think government guidelines should decide when Yeshiva should open?? Ok it’s illegal that doesn’t make it a chillul hashem. And why because of your political agenda?? My goodness what an idiot you are!
Maybe you should reflect as your are defending a mayor who had been publicly championing mass gatherings (when the cause was celebrating the Chinese) and had done such wonderful deeds as auction off the city’s ventilators and sent virus-stricken patients to old age homes for treatment.
your breathing is abhorrent and repulsive, so keep your nose (and mouth) shut and go away!
Leave these decisions to Hashem, or at least to Rabbanim of massive stature.
I am not saying that I agree with their decision to open, but, that it’s not your call!
so keep YOUR nose out!
You lack the simplest ability to show any hakaras hatov. The man is probably a chassid umos Haolam and you say such a prosteh line: “keep your nose in Texas?”
Even if you disagree, you can do it with some measure of class!
Actually, if you would have been better informed, you would know that the yeshiva opened using masks and social distancing. They were totally within their rights and the law. Yes – on top of it all – the Torah DOES protect. But you being totally ignorant of the facts, jumped the gun, and stuck up for this DeBlasio and claimed him to be 1000% correct.
Shame on you!!! He is a first class “sonei Yisroel” second to only our Governor
Why don’t you try focusing on the positive aspects of their community and see how many times you may have benefited from their wonderful chasadim. Just a little piece of advice.
did he call out the whole community? his tone doesnt automatically say that. if that was the case he would have said a specific chasidus. instead he mentions that this could backfire and hurt chassidem specifically!
If it was a Christian School, the Mayor would have sent the SAME tweet, to warn others.
So whats all the fuss about? Why is this considered a “gleeful” tweet?
ah yid: your misguided hashkafos shine through I suggest you listen to what R Pinchos Frankel had to say… I hold its a CHOIV KADDOISH to listen to you can hear it by calling 712-775-7029 access code-775011825# recording number-79#. Its 40 minutes but its worth it SAVE YOUR NESHOMA!!!
Seems Like Ah Yid forgot a Posuk & a Chazal which does quote that Torah learning & especially from young pure children protects us. That’s ok people forget sometimes but to call your own Jewish brother reshaim is totally off especially when the corona virus in this community has died down totally there are no new cases for the past three weeks. So go back to shul start learning what Torah is all about & what a yid is all about maybe you will think different before you respond next time. By the Way next week is our Jewish Holiday of Kabulas Hatorah just in case you forgot when we where all standing by Har Sinai B’achdus & mekabel THe Torah from Hashem.
Have a great day
Seems Like the above “Ah Yid” forgot a Posuk & a Chazal which does quote that Torah learning & especially from young pure children protects us. That’s ok people forget sometimes, but to call your own Jewish brother reshaim is totally a shame’ especially when the corona virus in this community has died down totally there are no new cases for the past three weeks. So go back to shul start learning what Torah is all about & what a yid is all about maybe you will think different before you respond next time. By the Way next week is our Jewish Holiday of Kabulas Hatorah just in case you forgot when we where all standing by Har Sinai B’achdus & mekabel The Torah from Hashem.
Have a great day
Seems Like the above “Ah Yid” forgot a Posuk & a Chazal which does quote that Torah learning & especially from young pure children protects us. That’s ok people forget sometimes, but to call your own Jewish brother reshaim is totally a shame’ especially when the corona virus in this community has died down totally there are no new cases for the past three weeks. So go back to shul start learning what Torah is all about & what a yid is all about maybe you will think different before you respond next time. By the Way next week is our Jewish Holiday of Kabulas Hatorah just in case you forgot when we where all standing by Har Sinai B’achdus & mekabel The Torah from Hashem.
Have a great day
Dear ah yid :when did you become a posek on who is a rasha maybe go learn some basic halachos and what it says befeirush in chazal that the word stands upon hevel pihem shel tinokos shel bais rabbam how were you not embarrassed to blatantly be mefarsem that you dont know a chazal that every bar bei rav knows have you began to have memory loss due to corona a rasha in the torahs terms is what halachicly is classified as a rasha not what you feel is wrong or right and isn’t decided by the mayor either if you are bored this week the city started alternate side so maybe your input will be appreciated there also thank you cruz for commenting for if you wouldn’t all we would have is people like this one spewing all their nonsense making a chilul hashem for all the jews by posting such stupid comments instead also your nose into your own politics too by the way if you are one of those askanim getting good pr on the front lines sorry for bothering you and wasting your precious time and ruining your big latest scandals
your breathing is abhorrent and repulsive, so keep your nose (and mouth) shut and go away!
Leave these decisions to Hashem, or at least to Rabbanim of massive stature.
I am not saying that I agree with their decision to open, but, that it’s not your call!
so keep YOUR nose out!
The issue with NYPD and the school is not the problem. The yeshiva was in the wrong, and closing it was correct. Their hiding behind religion is unacceptable. You are also correct in pointing out the chilul Hashem factor. But the issue that Ted Cruz was addressing was the mayor’s repeated attacks and singling out of the forum community. The trouble with the askanim is that they push any politician that funnels money to yeshivos, regardless of how immoral and hateful their policies and platforms are. That requires us to demote them from their lofty roles as schvitzers. They sell the safety of our community and out kedusha for a few dollars. Frankly, that’s disgusting. The mayor has been consistent in his opposition to our community, and our best interests would be served by his exit from politics.
I read all the comments and if one of the Anonymous is correct and the facts aren’t the way they were presented then I stand corrected. However to all the other commentators all I can say is if you would have all or at least most of the rabbanim and rebbes saying we must push back, we must be like the chashmonoim and fight this decree then of course, I can agree with you. However, here we have one yeshiva who as I wrote whether you agree or not is supposed to be closed (again the way the facts were presented) then it is illegal to be opened. Also whether you agree or not the government says it’s for the safety of the children and adults so its at least a safek pikuach nefesh. All this does is bring out the jew and chasidim haters.
Notice how the Mayor always picks on the communities that don’t have as big a problem as the rest of the city? Picks on people who want to go back to school/learning as opposed to doing nothing? He has to show he is doing his job with law-abiding citizens meaning we don’t rob, kill or do drugs.
Right. It takes a Senator from another state (across the fruited plains) to point it out.
Thank you Senator Cruz .
Ted Cruz keep your nose in Texas politics. Your comments are not helpful at all. The mayor, in this case, is 1000% correct. These people who opened this school are reshaim (evil people). They claim that the Torah that they learn is protection. They claim the world exists on these children’s Torah learning. Their learning is abhorrent and repulsive. whether you agree with the mayor or governor or not right now school’s are shuttered. By these idiots opening their school is exactly the ammunition non jews and sadly those who look down at chasidim are waiting for. This is a tremendous chilul Hashem. Secondly, askanim are working behind the scenes to help frum yidden. Who knows how much damage this caused.
You are an irredeemable lunatic.
They claim?? How about the Torah claims… The Askonim working “behind the scenes” are the cause of the problem itself. Maybe they should come out from behind the scenes to actually help the Yidden in need instead of worrying about their personal Kavod and agendas.
I was referring specifically to the reasoning behind why these people feel they have a right to do something illegal, be oiver at least a safek pekuach nefesh and make a chiliul Hashem. In this context, I wrote, They claim the world exists on these children’s Torah learning.
“They claim that the Torah that they learn is protection. They claim the world exists on these children’s Torah learning”
You proudly write apikorsus and you call yourself AH YID??
I was referring specifically to the reasoning behind why these people feel they have a right to do something illegal, be oiver at least a safek pekuach nefesh and make a chiliul Hashem. In this context, I wrote, They claim the world exists on these children’s Torah learning.
Actually this is a Kiddush Hashem.
You are so out of line it’s not even worth commenting. Go back to sleep. Almost kefira. I’m surprised matzav let your comment through. You think government guidelines should decide when Yeshiva should open?? Ok it’s illegal that doesn’t make it a chillul hashem. And why because of your political agenda?? My goodness what an idiot you are!
so should jews not take precautions agaisnt death did rashbi not evade the romans?
Maybe you should reflect as your are defending a mayor who had been publicly championing mass gatherings (when the cause was celebrating the Chinese) and had done such wonderful deeds as auction off the city’s ventilators and sent virus-stricken patients to old age homes for treatment.
Dear 12:49pm, take your psychiatric meds, and change your screen name to Ah Goy.
Goy kodosh
your breathing is abhorrent and repulsive, so keep your nose (and mouth) shut and go away!
Leave these decisions to Hashem, or at least to Rabbanim of massive stature.
I am not saying that I agree with their decision to open, but, that it’s not your call!
so keep YOUR nose out!
You lack the simplest ability to show any hakaras hatov. The man is probably a chassid umos Haolam and you say such a prosteh line: “keep your nose in Texas?”
Even if you disagree, you can do it with some measure of class!
Actually, if you would have been better informed, you would know that the yeshiva opened using masks and social distancing. They were totally within their rights and the law. Yes – on top of it all – the Torah DOES protect. But you being totally ignorant of the facts, jumped the gun, and stuck up for this DeBlasio and claimed him to be 1000% correct.
Shame on you!!! He is a first class “sonei Yisroel” second to only our Governor
Why don’t you try focusing on the positive aspects of their community and see how many times you may have benefited from their wonderful chasadim. Just a little piece of advice.
did he call out the whole community? his tone doesnt automatically say that. if that was the case he would have said a specific chasidus. instead he mentions that this could backfire and hurt chassidem specifically!
These things should not become a political football.
If it was a Christian School, the Mayor would have sent the SAME tweet, to warn others.
So whats all the fuss about? Why is this considered a “gleeful” tweet?
ah yid: your misguided hashkafos shine through I suggest you listen to what R Pinchos Frankel had to say… I hold its a CHOIV KADDOISH to listen to you can hear it by calling 712-775-7029 access code-775011825# recording number-79#. Its 40 minutes but its worth it SAVE YOUR NESHOMA!!!
It says the file is password protected
I couldn’t agree more with the last commenter. Shame on Cruz.
Seems Like Ah Yid forgot a Posuk & a Chazal which does quote that Torah learning & especially from young pure children protects us. That’s ok people forget sometimes but to call your own Jewish brother reshaim is totally off especially when the corona virus in this community has died down totally there are no new cases for the past three weeks. So go back to shul start learning what Torah is all about & what a yid is all about maybe you will think different before you respond next time. By the Way next week is our Jewish Holiday of Kabulas Hatorah just in case you forgot when we where all standing by Har Sinai B’achdus & mekabel THe Torah from Hashem.
Have a great day
Seems Like the above “Ah Yid” forgot a Posuk & a Chazal which does quote that Torah learning & especially from young pure children protects us. That’s ok people forget sometimes, but to call your own Jewish brother reshaim is totally a shame’ especially when the corona virus in this community has died down totally there are no new cases for the past three weeks. So go back to shul start learning what Torah is all about & what a yid is all about maybe you will think different before you respond next time. By the Way next week is our Jewish Holiday of Kabulas Hatorah just in case you forgot when we where all standing by Har Sinai B’achdus & mekabel The Torah from Hashem.
Have a great day
and when more jews are dead and need burying remember whose hands are filled with blood
Seems Like the above “Ah Yid” forgot a Posuk & a Chazal which does quote that Torah learning & especially from young pure children protects us. That’s ok people forget sometimes, but to call your own Jewish brother reshaim is totally a shame’ especially when the corona virus in this community has died down totally there are no new cases for the past three weeks. So go back to shul start learning what Torah is all about & what a yid is all about maybe you will think different before you respond next time. By the Way next week is our Jewish Holiday of Kabulas Hatorah just in case you forgot when we where all standing by Har Sinai B’achdus & mekabel The Torah from Hashem.
Have a great day
Dear ah yid :when did you become a posek on who is a rasha maybe go learn some basic halachos and what it says befeirush in chazal that the word stands upon hevel pihem shel tinokos shel bais rabbam how were you not embarrassed to blatantly be mefarsem that you dont know a chazal that every bar bei rav knows have you began to have memory loss due to corona a rasha in the torahs terms is what halachicly is classified as a rasha not what you feel is wrong or right and isn’t decided by the mayor either if you are bored this week the city started alternate side so maybe your input will be appreciated there also thank you cruz for commenting for if you wouldn’t all we would have is people like this one spewing all their nonsense making a chilul hashem for all the jews by posting such stupid comments instead also your nose into your own politics too by the way if you are one of those askanim getting good pr on the front lines sorry for bothering you and wasting your precious time and ruining your big latest scandals
Deblasio is a dangerous person.
your breathing is abhorrent and repulsive, so keep your nose (and mouth) shut and go away!
Leave these decisions to Hashem, or at least to Rabbanim of massive stature.
I am not saying that I agree with their decision to open, but, that it’s not your call!
so keep YOUR nose out!
The issue with NYPD and the school is not the problem. The yeshiva was in the wrong, and closing it was correct. Their hiding behind religion is unacceptable. You are also correct in pointing out the chilul Hashem factor. But the issue that Ted Cruz was addressing was the mayor’s repeated attacks and singling out of the forum community. The trouble with the askanim is that they push any politician that funnels money to yeshivos, regardless of how immoral and hateful their policies and platforms are. That requires us to demote them from their lofty roles as schvitzers. They sell the safety of our community and out kedusha for a few dollars. Frankly, that’s disgusting. The mayor has been consistent in his opposition to our community, and our best interests would be served by his exit from politics.
let’s not pretend a Republican would be better ed day in rockland county is Republican would you say he loves jews?
Sue the government freedom of religion?
If a fish is in danger even when he is swimming in the water, al achas kama vikama if he were to go up on the land!
I read all the comments and if one of the Anonymous is correct and the facts aren’t the way they were presented then I stand corrected. However to all the other commentators all I can say is if you would have all or at least most of the rabbanim and rebbes saying we must push back, we must be like the chashmonoim and fight this decree then of course, I can agree with you. However, here we have one yeshiva who as I wrote whether you agree or not is supposed to be closed (again the way the facts were presented) then it is illegal to be opened. Also whether you agree or not the government says it’s for the safety of the children and adults so its at least a safek pikuach nefesh. All this does is bring out the jew and chasidim haters.