Tehillim: 34 Yidden, Including Lakewood Couple, Reportedly Among Missing In Florida Condo Collapse

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A couple from Coventry Square in Lakewood are reportedly among the 159 people unaccounted for in the condo building that collapsed early this morning in Surfside, Florida.

Chaim ben Sarah and Malka bas Sarah Rochel Weisz of Lakewood, as well as Mrs. Rosenberg’s father Yisroel Tzvi Yosef ben Toba Rosenberg, were reportedly in the building when the collapse occurred and have not been heard from since.

Please daven for them as well as the others reportedly unaccounted for:

Moshe ben Toba, Moshe ben Shoshana, Ariel Leib ben Ita, Ilan ben Kalman, Leib ben Shoshana, Ita bas Miriam, Tzvi Daniel ben Yehudis, Sara bas Ida, Nancy bas Sofia, Franky ben Nancy, Jay ben Nancy, Devorah bas Chaya, Yehuda Aryeh ben Freida, Rus bas Sarah, Nicole bas Andrea, Michoel ben Hans, Gavriela bas Sarah.


  1. Hashem yerachem alenu. This is so painful. Please Hashem, please have rachmanus and bring an end to our suffering.
    Please everyone, pour your hearts out to Hashem that we may hear besoros tovos about those that are missing.

  2. I just saw a video of the collapse. Very eerie similar to watching the bleachers collapse in Karlin, One answer Teshuva

    • Garbage!! It is because we failed to sound the שופר this past ראש-השנה when all these events were being decided, and without the שופר to blast away the שטן our accuser, we got into awful trouble.

  3. Not judging,

    What kind of stupid assinine question is that?

    If you have nothing intelligent to add, please go back into your hole. Mikvah reid should be saved for the mikvah.

  4. Why don’t we see massive digging on the rubble? Why are people just standing around? People may be buried alive r”l and every second counts!

    • I’m not sure about now but earlier reports were saying that it was too instable to start digging thru the rubble

  5. Not quite sure why photos or videos need to be posted . It’s not a bakavodig for the people or family’s involved .

  6. “Ma Tovo ohelecah yakov” the recent tzaros r’l all have a common denominator of yidden being together. Each of us individually and collectively must introspect and work on what we must do to repent. I do think it’s fair to note that the tragdies hint to our needing to work on our bein adom l’chaviro. May hkbh send all who need a refuah and the yeshoua’s olamim b’korov

  7. They need heavy machinery to lift the Debris and it needs to be done Proffessionaly and delicately so as not to Further Injur or kill those Still trapped alive

  8. Not quite sure why this article is singling out the “Lakewood couple” are they any more important than the rent of the Jews?!?!?

    • Presumably, Matzav happens to be aware of the home area of that couple, as opposed to the others about whom they are not aware.

      So, no, it does not at all mean that them living in Lakewood somehow makes them more important than other Jews.

  9. There was a story of a school building collapse in another country, I forget, the rescuers wanted to give up on finding anyone alive. A father promised his son that he will always be there for him and he had to keep his word. So with his bare hands, he lifted rubble after rubble (with some help from his friends and onlookers) until they found his son, along with a few friends, still alive. His son had told his friends not too worry as he was sure his father will find him, and he did. I understand that the building itself is unstable, but why can’t onlookers and Hatzalah start clearing away the rubble from the top? There are so few people there and time is of essence if they still want to find survivors, which I’m sure there are! Please do something! Don’t just stand there and let time slip by…

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