THANKFULLY: Israeli Experts Decide Against Fourth COVID Vaccine Dose

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Israel’s pandemic treatment team and the Vaccine Advisory Committee discussed on Sunday evening the reduction of the time between the second and third doses of COVID-19 vaccines and the provision of a fourth booster dose to the adult population, Arutz Sheva reports.

The pandemic treatment team and the members of the committee decided to recommend extending the duration of recovery to verified cases of the Omicron variant. Omicron patients will receive a vaccine dose after three months have passed since the date of their recovery.

The pandemic treatment team and the members of the committee decided not to recommend at this time providing a fourth booster dose to the adult population or providing a fourth booster for immunosuppressants, nor providing an additional dose of a vaccine to recovering patients who have been vaccinated once.

{ Israel}


  1. Israel is reckless and causing aiva. No one should visit that wicked country. I call on my fellow Yidden to boycott Israel like Ben Jerry’s is doing. B”H Kathy Hochul is taking vinishmartem seriously.


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